Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/788

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MARTIN 766 MARVIN He was one of the founders of the American Physiological Society. In 1892 he lost his wife, and his health, which had already begun to fail, gave way rapidly, so that in 1893 he found it impossible to continue his labors, and resigned his chair. He had never acquired American citizenship and he now returned to England, hoping to obtain improvement there and to be able to resume his investiga- tions. But his health got worse, and on October 27, 1896, he was carried off by a sudden hemorrhage while living at Burley-in- Wharfedale, Yorkshire. A memorial tablet has been erected to Prof. Martin in Johns Hopkins University which commemorates "his brilliant work as investigator, teacher and author," by which "he advanced knowledge and exerted a wide and enduring influence." There is also an oil portrait of him there. He was somewhat under the ordinary stature and very youthful looking. In 1879 he married the widow of Gen. Pegram, a Confederate officer, celebrated under her maiden name of Hetty Gary as a beauty and woman of great fascination. She was considerably older than he. She died in 1892 without children. Eugene F. Cordell. Nature (Lond.), Nov. 19, 1896, and Proc. Roy. See, vol. Ix, No. 364, Dec, 1896, for sketches by Foster. See Physiological Papers, 1895, and review by Prof. Locke in Science, Jan. 16, 1897. Also Memoir by Prof. Wra. H. Howell, 1908, Johns Hopkins Circular. Cordell's Medical Annals of Maryland, 1903. Martin, Solomon Claiborne (1837-1906) On the twenty-seventh of March, 1906, the city of St. Louis lost Prof. Solomon Glaiborne Martin, dermatologist, of Barnes University. His death, unexpected, did not lack a certain tragic feature, since but an hour before he spoke of feeling it his duty to resume his lectures at the great institution of which he was one of the founders. He was born in Claiborne county, Missis- sippi, October 26, 1837, and went to the Uni- versity of Michigan, from which institution he graduated in 18S9, taking his M. D. from Tulane University in 1865. During the Civil War he was attached to the staff of Gen. Wirtz Adams' Independent Cavalry Corps with the rank of major. Later he served under Gen. Albert Sydney Johnston and was at the side of Gen. Johnston when wounded. After exchanging the sword for the surgeon's lance, Martin spent three years in Europe at the great clinics in Heidelberg, Vienna and Paris. He was a perfect linguist, speaking fluently German and French. The writer first met the deceased through the St. Louis Medical Era, of which the latter was editor. He contributed a large number of valuable articles to literature. Most of his contributions pertained to dermatology and syphilology. Finding that the Medical Era which he edited did not justify the publication of too many editorials on his favorite sub- jects, the American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases was established, which afterwards became one of the most popular special magazines in the medical world. He was married to Miss Anna Rosa Cal- houn, of Port Gibson, Mississippi, and in 1870 removed to St. Louis, where he spent the rest of his life. They had five children. The eldest son. Dr. S. C. Martin, Jr., succeeded his father as editor-in-chief of the two jour- nals in which he was assisted by his younger brother, Dr. Clarence Martin, an army surgeon. Clarence Martin. Jour, of Physical Therapy, 1906, vol. I. Marvin, Joseph Benson (1852-1913) Born in Monticello, Florida, August 3, 1852, he was the son of Joseph Manning Marvin and Mary Louise Linton. Immediately after the Civil War he entered the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia, and gradu- ated therefrom in 1870. He was at once ap- pointed instructor in chemistry and physics and taking the graduate course in sciences, received his bachelor degree in 1871. He came to Louisville, Kentucky, in 1873 to take up the study of medicine, graduating at the Hospital College of Medicine in 1875. From the first he was much interested in laboratory work and he spent, shortly after his graduation, a consider- able time in New York in the study of chem- istry and pathology. Upon his return to Louis- ville he was at once appointed professor of chemistry and microscopy in his alma mater, occupying this position for about ten years. During this period he became one of the founders of the American Microscopic So- ciety and was for a time one of its most active members. In fact, his greatest interests were always in tlie laboratory side of medicine and, more than any other man, was he influential in introducing and fostering laboratory work in the medical curriculum of the schools in Kentucky and the South. His interest in pathology laid the foundation for accurate observation and enabled him later to achieve a reputation as a diagnostician of no little merit. After ten years of work in the Hospital Col- lege of Medicine he was elected professor of medicine in the Kentucky School of Medicine,