Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/575

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INDEX. 4n Ironmongers' Company, plate and mazer in their possession, 213. Ivorj', sculptures of, clrawings exhibited by M. Pulski, 93 ; sculptured horns, sup- posed from Goa, lOl ; sinj^lar speci- men of Xurcmberp turning. 20(5 ; rappee-ljottle, from Mr. Fitch's Mu seum, 208. Jakvis, Rev. E., Saxon ring-fibulae exhibited by, 213. Jesus College, Oxford, illuminated Roll in Library of, 97. Jewitt, Mr., on late Gothic buildings in Oxford, 382. K. IvELLY, Mr., his account of Irish antiquities, 414. Kent. Anglo-Saxon relics foiuid near Sand- gate, 177; memoir on knightly etti- gies at Sandwich and Ash, 2!tl. Key, Roman, found at Hadstock, 34 ; key- ring, found at Silchester, 245. Kilkenny Archaeological Society, notices of proceeding.?, 121, 222. 430; of theii- Transactions, vol. ii., 414. — sepulchral urn found in the county of, 200. King, Rev. S., stone axe and celt from Scotland, exhibited by, 422. Lancashihe. Roman bullae found, 168. Lanchester, correspondence regarding its presentation, 198. Lawson, Sir W., Roman scale-armour in his possession, 296. Lee, Mr. J. E., notice of Roman remains at Caerleon, 157. Leveson Gower, Mr., Sir T. Gresham's gemel ring exhibited by, 214. LiNCOLNSHIUE. Seal of the Abbot of Revesby, 76 ; tumulus opened at Broughtou. 199 ; remains of Vaudey Abbey, 210 ;j Saxon ring-fibula; found, 213 ; sepul- j chral effigy at Buslingthoqie, 298; memoir on timiuli at Broughton, bv ' Mr. Trollope, 341. ' ; Livct, John, his seal, 78. LlandaiT Cathedral, architectural notices of, by Mr. Freeman, 124, 219. Llandovery, gold onionicntH found nt, 38. LoSDO.N. Roman anti<]uiticM in the Corporation Museum, 115. Louvre, «culpture there re(>rcHentiog the Roman bulll^ 169. Lozenge shajied Bcutcheou, exainplcH of, 207, 433. M. Maberley, Mr., plan of Castle Rising exhi bitod by, 421. Maclauchlan, Mr., his memoir on Sil Chester, 227 ; on Egbury camj), 241. Madpen, Sir F., notice of an Italian ring, 418. ^ Magniac, Mr., chrismatory in his collection, 118 ; staff of the rector chori oxhibite<l by, 203 ; crosier and reliquary in hia collection, 432. Majendie, Mr., seals exhibited by, 78 ; plans of rcstonition of Little Maplo- stead Ciiurcii, 99 ; sun'ey of Heding- luim Ciuxtlo, 212. Majolica, exhibited by Mr. Franks, 196. Mimning, Rev. C. R., exiublts enamelled pyx and a rosary, 196 : seal of I'lusker de Turnai, 214. Mautell, Dr., exhibits seal of Rural Deanery of Pawlett, 75. Map, Walter, notices of hi.'? history, 281. Margaret, Queen of Henry VI., illuminated poi-ti-ait of, 98. Marki.and. Mr., his memoir on the Rent- roll of the Dtike of Buckinghani, 259. Mary, Queen of England, iLSS. ceremonial with her portniit, 320. Matres, Dea?, memoir on objects connected with their woi-shiji, 40. Mazer, in possession of Ironmongers' Com- pany, 213: at Saffron Walden, ib. Meetings. Annual Audit, in London, 214; Rei)ort of Bristol Meeting. 222. Merchant's niai-k on ring found at Notting- ham. 425. Mekeuitu, Rev. R F., notice of sepulchrul incised slab at Ashington, 319. MERIONETnsniRF„ Inscribed stone at Towyn, 216; dJB- coveries at Castell y Bore, 314, 427. Mirror, Roman, 40. Mithm.", altar to, at Caerleon, 158. Moghul Prince of Persia, his negotiation with E<hvanl I., 45, 200. Jlonmouth, Geffrey of, notices of his his- tory. 281. Monmouthshire. Memoir on Roman rcniain.-int Cnericon, 157 ; Roman glai»s urns found, 219. Moore, Mr., his account of a tumulun in