Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/576

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443 INDEX. Lincolnsliire, 199; liis excavations at Broughton, 342. Morgan, Mr. 0., exhibits a double salt, 196; papal and episcopal rings, 206; remarkable ivory turning, ib. ; series of dials, &c., 320. Munich, enamelled book-cover at, 59. Museum, British, gold ornaments from the Brumell collection described, 35 ; gold armlet in Payne Knight's collection, 38; Roman portrait in glass, 170; Anglo-Saxon relics presented by Mr. Deck, 175 ; enamelled crucifix pm-- chased for, 196; fine specimen of Bow porcelain, 204 : Egyptian relics t. Amenophis III., 396. — of Royal Irish Academy, celt and bronze implements there, 91. — of Corporation of London, catalogue of antiquities noticed, 115. — of practical geology, enamel there, described, 63. N. Namur, enamelled cross at, 62. Nesbitt, Mr., his notices of sepulchral bi-asses at Breslau, 201. Neville, Hon. R., his discoveries of Roman remains at Hadstock, 27 ; coin of Cuno- beline found at Saffron Walden, 91 ; Irish gold ring-ornaments in his Museum, 205 ; exhibits crania from Little Wilbraham, 424. Newton, Mr., his discourse on the Study of Archaeology, 1. Nicholl, Mr. J., exhibits plate of the Iron- mongers' Company, 213. Norfolk. Seal of Rural Deanery of Hengham, 76 ; seal found near Walsingham, 77 ; gold cross foimd at Witton, 91 ; bronze celt and falx, 191. Northampton, the Marquis of, Egj7>tian antiquities presented by, to the Biitish Museum, 397. Northumberland, the Duke of, antiquities presented by him to the British Museum, 175 ; notice of inscribed slab in Devon, sent by, 423. Northl'mberland. Gold ornaments found, 35; singular bronze pyx, 88 ; Roman remains at Cilumum, 106; Mr. Bruce's work on "The Roman "Wall " noticed, 103. Norway, antiquities from, exhibited by Dr. Thurnam, 97. Nottingham, iron weapons found at, 424 ; gold ring, 425. Nuremberg, skilful turnery executed at. 206. 0. Oculist's stamp, Roman, 210. Ohver, Isaac, miniature of the Earl of Somerset, by, 208. Outer, Rev. Dr., communicates pedigree of the Courtenays, 318. Oxford. Memoir of St. Mary's Church, by the Principal of Brasenose, 126 ; on the Castle and Provisions of, 354 ; Lines round Oxford, 366 ; memoir on late Gothic Buildings there, 382. Oxfordshire. Extracts from the Fermor accounts, 179 ; remains of Eynsham Abbey, 211 ; Roman remains at Horton, 313 ; notices of three Oxfordshire writers, 281. P. Palette, leathei-n helm, 87. PaUssy, tiles made by, 196. Parasol, early mention of, 50. Pawlett, seal of Rural Deanery of, 75. Persia. Moghul Pi-ince of, negotiation with Edward I„ 45, 200. Phillipps, Su- T., Bai-t, memoir on Oxford- shire writers, 281. Pins, Roman, found at Hadstock, 35. Pipes, for peiTuqmei-s, 93; found in Ireland, 210. Plowright, Mr., bronze celt and falx in his possession, 191. Plumbata, bronze scom-ge foimd at Sutton Courtney, 191. Pollard, Mr., puzzle mug exhibited by, 207. Potters marks noticed, 34, 205, 313, 423. Pottery, British, urns foimd at Broughton, 343 ; Irish, found in co. Kilkenny, 200 ; Roman ware foimd at Hadstock, 34 ; at Stone, 95 ; at Worthing, 113 ; at Caerleon, 159; at Deddington, 423; glazed medieval ware, foimd in London, 103 ; in Whittlesea Mere, 196 ; puzzle mug, 207 ; glazed-stone ware, 321 ; manufacture of porcelain at Bow, 204. Pourtales collection, enamel of St. George, preseiwed in, 63. Pratt, ^Ir., stone relics from Alexandria ex- hibited by, 421. Publications noticed — The Roman Wall, by Rev. J. C. Bruce, 103. Geology of Sussex, by F. Dixon, 111. Catalogue of Museum of London Cor- poration, 115. Examples of Art Workmanship, by P. DelaMotte, 118. Archseologia Cambrensis, 215.