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doctor charging? What was she going to name her baby? The Jewess, who had now revealed herself as Mrs. Lensky, was going to name her daughter Shirley out of respect to the departed mother-in-law whose name had been Sarah.

Around eleven o'clock the phone rang. There was a telephone outlet on either side of the room into which the instrument could be plugged.

Miss Parsons now attached it on Dot's side and handed her the phone.

It was Eddie.

"Hello, Kid, how are you?"

"Fine. Are you at work?"

"Yes. I was dead for sleep, Dot, and I got up late and had to rush right to the shop."

"That's all right. There's nothing to worry about. I'm fine."

"Listen, I'm going to get off an hour early and come right up."

"What about your supper?"

"Oh, I can get that any time. I'll be there as soon as I can make it. 'Bye."

Dot hung up the receiver. Not a word about the baby! Oh, but he'd have to care for it when he saw those blue eyes and tiny hands. Dot thought the baby looked like Eddie already.

The next time the phone rang it was for Dot again.

Edna this time.

"Hello, there. How are you?"


"Have you had the baby yet?"

"Sure. A little boy."

"That's wonderful. I just came from your house. I figured that since you weren't there, you must have made a trip to the sanitarium. What time did it happen?"