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Dot gave Edna all the details. After twenty minutes of conversation, Edna announced her intention of coming up and straightway did so.

She came, bringing a little wicker cradle full of blue flowers. She kissed Dot and asked, "Well, how was it, Kid? Not bad, eh?"

"No," replied Dot, "not bad." And she believed it.

Luncheon arrived via Bill. There was soup for Dot and crackers.

The babies would be fed again at one o'clock. Edna simply had to wait to see the baby.

Edna waited. The babies were brought in.

"Oh, Dot, he's grand," Edna said. "He has a beautifully shaped head."

Dot hadn't thought of it that way before. Now she took to delighting in the shape of his head.

"Look at his hands, Edna. Aren't his hands too cute?"

Edna kissed his hands. "Just see his eyes, Dot. Blue as anything."

"Yes, aren't they blue? I love his little mouth best, I think."

"Wait till you see his feet, Dot. There's nothing in the world cuter than babies' toes."

"His fingers have such tiny nails."

"They look as though they'd been manicured."

The baby punched at Dot's breast for twenty minutes and was then whisked away nurseryward by Miss Parsons.

Then Edna had to go. It was time for the patients to be sponged, powdered, and changed into clean nighties.

"I'll come tomorrow," she said.

It was pleasant to lie on the bed and be bathed with cool water, rubbed briskly with alcohol, and powdered with soft, scented talcum. The nightgown Miss Parsons picked was a pale orchid with filet lace. Edna's favorite.