Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/321

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Nitrites ordinarily not produced or pro- duced only in trace amounts from nitrates. Growth occurs at 10° and at 20° C. Vari- al:)le growth at 37° and at 40° C. Aerobic. Long and Hammer (ibid., 264) have de- scribed a variety of this species which does not produce ropiness in milk. For a recent discussion of this species see Jones (Food Research, 19, 1954, 246). Source: Originally isolated from water. Habitat : Found in water and around dairy barns and dairy utensils. Produces ropiness in milk. 3. Alcaligenes metalcaligenes Castel- lani and Chalmers, 1919. (Manual Trop. Med., 1919, 936.)'ge.nes. Gr. metu in common with; M.L. adj. alcaligenes alkali-producing; M.L. adj. metalcaligenes resembling alcali- genes, originally an epithet in the trinomial Bacillus faecalis alcaligenes. Rods, 0.6 by 1.5 microns, with rounded ends, occurring singly and in pairs. Non- motile. Gram-negative. Gelatin stab: No liquefaction. Agar colonies: Circular, raised, smooth, amorphous, entire, gray. Agar slant: Gray, scant, filiform, con- toured, viscid growth. Broth: Membranous pellicle with heavy sediment. Litmus milk: Alkaline. Potato: Scant, glistening, smooth, some- times faint pink growth. Indole not produced. No action on carbohj^drates. Starch not hydrolyzed. Nitrite production from nitrates variable. Blood serum not liquefied. Aerobic, facultative. Optimum temperature, 22° C. Habitat: Intestinal canal. 4. Alcaligenes bookeri (Ford, 1903) Bergey et al., 1923. (Bacillus A of Booker, Trans. Ninth Internat. Med. Congress, 3, 1887, 598; Bacillus bookeri Ford, Studies from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, /, 1903, 31; Bergey et al.. Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 236.) boo'ke.ri. M.L. gen. noun bookeri of Booker; named for W. D. Booker, the bac- teriologist who first isolated this species. Rods, 0.5 by 1.5 to 2.0 microns, occurring singly. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram-negative. Gelatin colonies: Circular, brown, vari- able in size. Gelatin stab: Slow, saccate liquefaction, becoming stratiform. Agar colonies: Thin, transparent, with opaque center and indistinct margin. Agar slant: Abundant, yellowish to yel- lowish brown growth. Broth: Turbid, with viscid sediment. No pellicle. Litmus milk: Alkaline. Soft curd. Litmus reduced. Peptonization. Potato: Luxuriant, yellowish white, moist growth. Medium is darkened. Indole not produced. No acid or gas from carbohydrate media. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Blood serum: Yellowish brown growth. Gradual liquefaction. No characteristic odor. Aerobic, facultative. Optimum temperature, 37° C. Source: Isolated from alvine discharges of children suffering with cholera infantum. Habitat: Intestinal canal. 5. Alcaligenes recti (Ford, 1903) Bergey et al., 1923. (Bacterium recti Ford, Studies from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, 1, 1903, 31; Bergey et al.. Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 236.) rec'ti. L. adj . rectus straight; L. intestinum rectum, the straight gut; M.L. neut.n. rec- tum rectum; M.L. gen. noun recti of the rectum. Rods, 0.5 by 1.5 to 2.0 microns, occurring singly, in pairs and in chains. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram-nega- tive. Gelatin colonies: Variable in size and shape, circular to oval, brown. Gelatin stab: Rapid, saccate liquefaction. Agar colonies: Large, grayish white with opaque center. Slightly spreading. Agar slant: Grayish white, echinulate. Broth: Turbid. No pellicle. Litmus milk: Alkaline. No peptonization. Potato: Luxuriant, moist, brownish red.