Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/322

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Indole not produced. Rods, 0.3 by 1.2 microns, occurring singly. No acid or gas from carbohydrate media. Non-motile. Gram-negative. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Gelatin colonies: Gray, granular, irregu- Blood serum: Abundant white growth. lar, glistening. No liquefaction. Gelatin stab : Slow, infundibuliform lique- No characteristic odor. faction. Aerobic, facultative. Agar slant: Growth filiform, gray to Optimum temperature, 37° C. creamy white, raised, becoming lemon- Source: Isolated but once from cecum yellow. and rectum (Ford). Broth: Turbid, with gray ring and viscid Habitat: Intestinal canal. sediment. Litmus milk: Alkaline; slimy; peptonized; strong odor. Potato: Luxuriant, lemon-.yellow, smooth growth. 6. Alcaligenes marshallii Bergey et al., 1923. (Bacillus B of Marshall, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 11, 1903, 739; Bacterium lactis mar- sAaZZi Conn, Esten and Stocking, Ann. Rept. ^ , , , , Storrs Agr. E.xp. Station, 1906, 141; Bergey ^^^ole not produced, et al., Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 237.) No acid or gas from carbohydrates. mar.shal'li.i. M.L.. gen. noun marshallii Nitrites not produced from nitrates, of Marshall ; named for Prof. C. E. Marshall, Aerobic, facultative, the American bacteriologist who first iso- Optimum temperature, 30° C. lated this species. Habitat: Milk. Genus II. Achromobacter Bergey et al., 1923* (Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 132.)'ter. Gr. adj. achromus colorless; M.L. noun bacter the masculine equiv- alent of the Gr. neut.n. bactriim a rod or stafT; M.L. mas.n. Achromobacter colorless rodlet. Non-pigment-forming (at least no pigment formed on agar or gelatin) rods. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella or non-motile. Gram-negative. Litmus milk faintly acid to unchanged or alkaline. Occur in salt- to fresh-water and in soil. The type species is Achromobacter Uquefaciens (Eisenberg) Bergey et al. Key to the species of genus Achromobacter. I. Motile. Flagella peritrichous. A. Gelatin liquefied. 1. Litmus milk unchanged. a. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. 1. Achromobacter liguefaciens. aa. Nitrites produced from nitrates. b. Produces acid from glucose and sucrose. 2. Achromobacter iophagus. bb. Does not produce acid from glucose or sucrose. 3. Achromobacter thalassius. 2. Litmus milk reaction acid or alkaline. Nitrites produced from nitrates. a. Litmus milk acid. 4. Achromobacter delicatulus. aa. Litmus milk alkaline. 5. Achromobacter xerosis.

  • Prepared by Prof. Robert S. Breed, Cornell University, Geneva, New York, October,
