Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/323

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B. Gelatin not liquefied. 1. Litmus milk unchanged. a. Acid from glucose. b. Nitrites produced from nitrates. 6. Achromobacter aquamarinus . bb. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. 7. Achromobacter gutfatus. aa. No acid from carbohydrate media. b. Attacks phenol and naphthalene. 8. Achromobacter cycloclastes. bb. Action on phenol and naphthalene not recorded. 9. Achromobacter pestifer. 2. Litmus milk slightly acid. 10. Achromobacter superficialis. II. Non-motile. A. Gelatin liquefied. 1. Nitrites slowly produced from nitrates. n. Achromobacter stenohalis. 2. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. 12. Achromobacter butyri. B. Gelatin not liquefied. L Acid from glucose. a. Litmus milk unchanged. Action on nitrates not recorded. 13. Achromobacter eurydice. aa. Litmus milk acid; litmus reduced in 5 days. Nitrites produced from nitrates. 14. Achromobacter delmarvae. 2. No acid from glucose. 15. Achromobacter parvvlus. 1. Achromobacter liquefaciens (Eisen- slimy. Liquefaction. In time, a putrid odor berg, 1891) Bergey et al., 1923. {Bacillus is produced. liquefaciens Eisenberg, Bakt. Diag., 3 Aufl., Gelatin stab: Napiform liquefaction. 1891, 112; not Bacillus liquefaciens Doyen, Agar slant: Dirty white, spreading Jour. d. connaiss. m^dic, 57, V^ S4r., 1889, growth. 108; not Bacillus liquefaciens Lustig, Diag- Broth: Turbid (Bergey et al.). nostica dei batteri delle acque, Torino, 1st Litmus milk: Unchanged (Bergey et al.). ed., 1890, 99; also see translation of 2nd Potato: Light yellow growth, ed. by Teuscher, Diagnostik der Bakterien Indole not produced (Bergey et al.). des Wassers, 1893, 86; not Bacillus lique- Nitrites not produced from nitrates (Ber- faciens Tataroff, Inaug. Diss., Dorpat, 1891, gey et al.). 29; Bergey et al., Manual, 1st ed., 1923, Aerobic. 135.) Does not grow at 37° C. (Eisenberg). Op- li.que.fa'ci.ens. L. part. adj. liquefaciens timum temperature, between 20° and 25° C. liquefying. (Bergey et al.). Description as emended by Bergey et al. Comments: The early descriptions of this (loc. cit.). organism are so incomplete that, as yet, it Short, rather thick rods with rounded has been impossible to reisolate a culture ends. Occur singly (Bergey et al.). Actively that can be accepted as the type culture of motile (Eisenberg). Possess peritrichous this species. Bergey, in 1923, selected this flagella (Bergey et al.). Gram-negative organism as the type species of the genus (Bergej^ et al.). Achromobacter as he undoubtedly held with Gelatin colonies: Circular, gray, entire, other early students of water organisms that