Page:Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron.djvu/85

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the smart dog knows that something has happened to his master, for he's just wild to get free!" declared Frank.

"Sure as you live! Just listen to him growl and bark. I never heard a bulldog do that before!" cried Ralph.

"Oh, Kaiser is only a half-breed mongrel, but looks like a full-blooded bull. But an idea just occurred to me, fellows."

"Then let's have it, Frank. We're short of ideas at present, just as we are of a bully good football player needed in to-morrow's game. What is it?" asked Molly Manners, unduly excited by these strange occurrences.

"Perhaps the dog might lead us to where Bones is!" said Frank.

"Say, now, that's just a crackerjack suggestion. Of course, he will, if someone could only hold him in by his leash!" exclaimed Lanky, with the light of anticipation shining on his face.

"Comie on, let's try it!" shouted another fellow.

"But who's going to unfasten Kaiser, and hold him?" asked Frank, always practical, even at such moments as this.

"Here's Buster, he knows the dog better than anyone else," said Jack Eastwick, pushing the fat boy forward.

"Oh, yes, I've had an intimate acquaintance with