Page:Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron.djvu/86

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him. He's tasted of me three different times," declared the umvilhng candidate for honors.

"Still, he knows you?" said Jack, in a wheedling voice.

"Sure, and I think he likes me, which shows Kaiser has good taste. But I'm willing to be the victim, if you'll all promise to see that my remains are gathered up and given a fitting burial. Everyone who likes a good show, this way, now. The only and original dog-tamer is about to give an exhibition of 'how not to do it."

Kaiser was acting in a very ugly way, as they approached the spot where he had been tied up by his master, upon reaching the hall. He jumped up and out in a furious manner, always in the one direction, Frank noticed.

"You see, fellows, he pays no attention to us. His growls are for someone else, and he is trying to break loose, in order that he may chase after them. I shouldn't be surprised if we had some success, after all. Do it, Buster. The whole world is looking to you now as the hero of the occasion."

Buster gave Frank a plaintive look, as he bent down, and began to speak soothingly to the furious dog.

"Listen to his soft soap talk, would you!"

"Buster knows how to lay it on; he's kissed the blarney stone!"