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XXUJJ3 Syne in a feild of filuer, ſecoundlie he beris, Ane Egill ardent of air, that etlis ſo hie ; The memberis of the ſamyn foull diſplait as efferis, Ferme formyt on fold, ay ſet for to fle; all of ſable the ſelf, quha the Cuth leris, The beke bypertit breme of that ilk ble : The Empriour of Almane the armes he weris, As lignifer louerane: And ſyne couth 3 ſt Thre flour delycis of Fraunce, all of fyne gold, Jn a feild of alure, The thrid armes in honour, The ſaid perſevant bure That bloutit fo bold. XXJk. Tharwith lynkit in a lyng, be lerit men approvit, be bure a lyon as lord, of gowlis full gay, aid maikles of mycht, on mold quhar he movit, Riche rampand as rope, ryke of array: DE pure gold was the ground, quhar the grym hovit, [With dowble trellour about, flourit in fay; And flour delysis on loft, that mony leid lovit,] De gowlis ſygnit, and fet, to (chawe in allay : Dur louerant of Scotland his armes to knawe, Duhilk fall be lord and ledar, Dur braid Brettane all quhar, As ſanct Mergaretis air, and the ligne (chawe.