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kkk. Mert the ſouerane ligne was ſekirly ſene, That feruit his ſerenite euer ſeruable, The armes of the Dowglas douchty bedene, Knawin throw all Críttindome be conyCance able ; DE Scotland the wer wall, wit ze but wene, Dur fais force to defend, and vnfalzeable ; Baith barmekyn and bar to Scottis blud bene, Dur and our lyking, that lyne honorable. That word is ſo wonder warme, and euer zit was, Jt ſynkis fone in all part Df a trewe Scottis hart, Reiofand ws inwart To heir of Dowglas. kkkJ Dff the douchty Dowglas to dyte J me dres ; Thar armes of anceſtry honorable ay, Duhilk oft blythit the Brufe in his diftres, Tharfor he bliflit that blud bald in allay. Reid the writ of that werk, to zour witnes, Furth on my matic to mule J mufe as 3 may. The ſaid perſevantis gyde was grathit J ges, Brulit with ane grene tre, gudly and gay : That bure branchis on breid blythelt of hewe ; Dn ilk beugh till embrace, Writtin in a bill was, D Dowglas, D Dowglas, Tendir and trewe!