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XXXUJ. loue zou mair for that loiſs ze lippyn me till, Than ony lordſchipe or land, me our Lord leid! I fall waynd for no wye to wirk as ze will, at wis, gif my werd wald, with you to the deid. Thar with he lowtit full lawe : tham lykit full ill, Baith lordis and ladyis, that ttude in the tteide. Dff commoun nature the cours be kynd to fulfill. The gud king gaif the gailt to God for to reid; Jn Cardros that crownit cloſit his end. Now God for his gret grace, Set his ſaull in ſolace ! And we will ſpeike of Dowglace, Duhat way he couth wend. XXXUJJ. The hert coftlye he couth clos in a cler cace, And held all hale the behelt he hecht to the king : Come to the haly graf, throw Goddis gret grace, With offerandis, and vriſons, and all othar thing; Dur Saluatouris ſepultur, and the famyn place, Duhar he rais, as we reid, richtuis to ryng : With all the relykis raith, that in that robme was, Þe gart hallowe the hart, and fyne couth it hyng, about his hals full hende, and on his awne hart. Dit wald he kiſs it, and cry, D flour of all chewalry! Duhy leit I, allace ! quhy And thow deid art!