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kkkU333 My deit, quoth the Dowglas, art thow deid dicht? my linguler louerane, of Saronis the wand ! Now bot 3 ſemble for thj faull with Sarazenís mycht, Sall J neuer ſene be into Scotland ; Thus in defence of the faith he kure to the fecht, With knychtis of Chriffindome to kepe his command. And quhen the batallis ſo brym, brathly and bricht, War joyned thraly in thrang, mony thouſand ; Amang the hethin men the hert, hardely he flang, Said, Wend on, as thou was wont, Throw the batell in bront; Ay formalt in the front, Thy fayis amang. ¥¥¥JE. And 3 fall followe the in faith, or feye to be fellit ; Xg thj lege man Tefle, 1p Ipking the att. That with on Mahownis men manly he mellit, Braid throw the battallis in bront, and bur thaim backwart. The wpis quhar the wicht went war in wa wellit ; Was nane ſo itur in the iteid micht fand him a ſtart. Thus frayis he the fals folk, trewly to tell it, Aye quhil he couerit and come to the kingis hart. Thus feile feildis he wan, aye worlchipand it. Throwout Criſtindome kid Wat the deiðis that he did : Till on a time it betid, as tellis the writ.