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shown in the history of Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, New York, New England States, and South Carolina; The Declaratron of Indeperdence embodies the sentiments of the People in regard to Slavery; Suppressed Artile; Action of Continental Congress against it; Effort in 1784 to Prohibit Slav:ry from the Territories of the United States; Prohibition of 1787; Slavery Triumph in the Constitutional Convention; South Carolina and Georgia Cede their Territory to the Union on Conditions; Slave Trade followed by Slave Breeding............ 38-46

TRIUMPH OF SLAVERY IN 1820-Missouri Petitions Congress for Admission; Referred to a Committee; Report not acted upon that Session; Petition renewed at next Session; Slavery Restriction Introduced; Bill Lost; Arkansas Territory Organized; Magnitude of the Missouri Question; Popular Excitement during the Summer; Position and Arguments of the two Parties; The Sixteenth Congress; The Missouri Question Engages its Attention: Mr. Taylor's Amendment; The Stormy Debate; Its Character; Selections from the Speech of Mr. Otis, o' Mr. Barbour, and others, Mr. Thomas' Amendment; The Vo:e;'I he two Houses Disagree; The Committee of Conference; The Compromise; Missouri forms a Constitution; Objectionable to Congress; Admitted upon Conditions; She Complies with Them.................................................. 46-56

TRIUMPH OF SLAVERY IN TIIE ANNEXATION OF TEXAS.- Question about the Boundaries of Louisiana,; Treaty, ith Spain; A Southern Move; oiexico Gains her Independence; Texas Colonized-Rfvolts and Asks to be Annexed to the United States; The Annexation and Provisions; Opposition to the Annexation; President's Proposition to Congress to Satisfy Mexico with Money; Question as to the Character of Labor in tne Territory; Wilmot Proviso —Lost; Popular Sovereignty First Einunciated-Not Popular; Attempt to Organize the Terri, tory; Resumed in 1850; Slavery Holds the Missouri Compromise Sacred; Compromise; Wnat the South Gained................ 66-63

KANSAS.NEBRASKA ACT-SLAVERY TRIUMrPH-Relation of Both Parties to the Missouri Compromise; Its fir.:t Infraction in 1836; Petitions for Organizing Territory West of Missouri; Opposition of the South; Bill tor Its Organization in the 33d Congress; Validity oftthe Missouri Compromise First Questioned; Plighted Faith; S A. Douglas at First Startles but Resolves not to be Outbid; His Kansas-Nebrask Bill; Position of the Two Parties; Motion of Mr. Douglas; Mr. Chase's Motion Mr. Badger's Motion; Mr. Clayton's Motion; Mr. Chase's Pioposition; Bill Passes the Senate; Bill in the House; Parliamentary Maneuver of Hon. A HE Stephens; Bill Forced Through; Congressional Globe; Bill in the Senate; Atchison's Speech; Signed by the President; Design of Organizing Two Territories................................................................................ 64- 72.