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AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE TERRITORY OF KANSAS.......................... 74-86

CHAPTER VIII—1705-1854

ANTIQUITIIES OF KANSAS-Kansa., Antiquities not remote; be Name; Discovered in 1705; Explored it 1719; Spanish Expedition and Battle in 1720; 1'ie French Eistahlish a Fort on rte Missouri: Expedition of Louis and Clar a; First Steamboat up the Missouri: The Fnr Trade; Sant:t Fe Tra'de; Indians Troubhle the Trairn; Coerncil Gro'e; 0 lttriti Posts; Mag nitude of th-i Tr'ad.; For: Lai'veaoritb; Rtmoval of the [ndians from the Ea^t; Fort Scott; Fritmont; Trains Acrss to the Pacific; The Border in thtOe iexican Wsar &nd Gold Excitement in California; Description of Prairie Commerce.... 87-95

A SURVEY OF THF BATTLIR " IELD AND TlE CONTESTANTrS BEFORE THE CONFLICT-.Kansas Regarded as a Barren \Wase; Better known after California Emrigratiou; People of Missouri; Slavery and Kansas Territory; Atchison's Speech; Character of the People on the Border; EItdect of Atchison'Y Speech; His Biography; Feeling of the People af er the Repea! of the Missouri Corn,:romise; Feeling of the Free Stati; Determined to Contest its Settlement; Advantages on the Side of Slavery............... 96-105

PRO-SLAVERY, EMIGRATION, AND EMGRANT InD SOCIFTIFE —Emigrea tion from Missouri; Politicians hold Sqnalter Neeti'gs; R.soIftions of the First Convention in Kansas; hbolitiouists; Founding of Leavenworth; Of Atchison; Free State Men niot Idle; eal ot e Pres; Organization of Aid Societies; New Eng nT5~'"imirgrnti Aid Society; Its I)esign, Car:.icter. and Mode of Operatiug; Emigrant Aid Company of New York and Cincinna'i; Union Emigratin Society; Their Primary Object; Not Mlleg:I r nor Dhoorable...................... 106-115

FREE STATE EMIGRATIGN, HOSTILE PREPARATIONS, AND T1E BFCGTNNING OF DIFFICULTIES - Free State Settlers; Disturbed by MRissourians; Squatter Government;, H Branscomb; Firt vet tlement of Lawrence; Of Topeka; MGnhattan; Grasshopper Fall'; What the Emigrant Aid Societies Did, and Especially the New England; The Border- Alarmled; Platte Argus; The Passions of the Border M5en Excited; Resolutions at Border Meetings; Reward Offered for Eli Thayer; Threats Twards A. Guthrle; Platte County Self.Defensive Association; Remarks of the Border Chiefs; Lives and Characters of the Stringfellows; Missouri Secret Societies; Real and Avowed Causes of their Formation; Self Defensives Seize T. A. Minsrd and an O'd Citizen; Arraign Rev. F. Starr; Seek to Control Trede; Citizens Prntest Against Them; They Remove their Headquarters from Weston; First Invasion of Lawrence.................. 116-130