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CHAPTER1 XIi.-1854.

INAUGURATION OF GOVERNMENT-NO Government for four months, but all was orderly; Territorial Officers Appointed; Biography of Governor Reeder; His Arrival at Leavenworth; Tour through the Territory; Proclamation for Election, not Palatable to Pro-slavery Men The Convention at Leavenworth; Its Correspondence with Governor Reeder; The Candidaate for 1)eiegate to Congress; Slavery not an Issue; TheElec Frauds; Snmmary of the Returns; J. W. Whitfild Eected; Popular Sovereignty Exemplified; Courts Opened................. 131-137


ELECTING TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE -Mild Winter; Census Taken; Returns; Anecdote; Disaffection of Pro-Slavery Men; Proclamration for an Elec:tion of Territorial Legislature; Slavery Made the Issue; Preparations in Missouri; Invasion of the I'erritory and Stuffing Ballotboxes; At Lawrence; Bloomingto; Sixteenth District; Eighteenth; Abstract of Election Returns; Excuse for Illegal Voting; The Emigrant Aid Societies Took no Part in the Election; Free State did not all Vote; A Fair and Full Vote Would Have Given a Free State Majority; Testimony of the City Attorney of St. Joseph; On Demand of Members Elect Governor Reeder Issues Certificates, Except in Six Districts; Protests; Pro Slavery Men Incensed; Refuse to Participate in the New Election........................... 138-153


THE CONSEQurENcE —Feelings of Free State Men; Their Demeanor; Rejoicing on the Borlrer; "Squatter Sovereign" Advises Extermination; A Convention to Intimidate Reeder; Destruction ot " Parkville Luminary "; Warning to Methodist Preachers; Mee tings' t Wes.ton and Liberty; Murder of Clark; McCrea's Escape; Pro-Slavery Men Enraged; Notify Mr. Phillips to jLeae; Another Meeting; Vigilance Committee Appointed; Phillips Carried to Weston, Tarred and Feathered, and otherwise Qutraged; The Action Endorsed by a Public Meeting; Diffeience in the Manners of Free Ltate Men and ProSlavery M en................................................................... 154-158


TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE-Governor Reeder Goes to Washington; President Urges Him to Resign-But They Cannot Agree Upon the Terms of Correspondence Grounding His Resignation; Other Positions Offered Mr. Reeder; He Returns to the Ter-ntory Feeling Insulted; Territorial Legislature Assembles at Pawnee; Both Houses Purge Themselves of the Free State Element; Report of Committee on Credentials in the House-Minority Report; Protest of the Ousted Members; Motion of Judge Wakefield in Council; Colonel Coffey's Response to Wakefield's Interrogation; Report of Committee on Credentials; Protest of Free State Members; Move the Temporary Seat of Government to Shawnee Manual Labor School Over