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the Governor's Veto; Design of Calling Legislature at Pawnee; Legislature at Shawnee Mission Frames a Code of Laws; Their Oppressive Features; Governor Refuses to Recognize Them as a Legal Body; They Consult the Supreme Court of the Territory Which Renders a Judgment in Their Favor; Legislature Memorialize the President for Mr. Reeder's Removal; Mr. Reeder Removed.................................................... 158-167


CAUSES OF REEDER'S REMOVAL CoNSIDERED-Causes; Pawnee; Reeder Interested;,eff. Davis Orders the Removal of the Inhabit.:i-its; Orders not Observed Until the Fall of 1855-When it is Car-ied Out; Half Breed Kaw Lands; Reeder's Speculation No Speculation At All; Governor Reeder's Career Praise Worthy; Members of Legislature Attend to Their Own Interest; Complaints of Their Conatituents; Hon. Wilson Shannon Appointed Governor; His Biography; A. Copy of the Laws Punishing Offenses Against Slave Property................ 168-176


FREE STATE MOVEMENTS-Oppression of Free State Men; They Pe. tition in Vain; Determine to Protect Themselves by Peaceable Means First; Convention at Lawrence on the 8th of June; National Democratic on the 27th; Free State: en on the 11th of July; Mass Convention on the 14th of August; The Union Mass Convention on the 15th takes Preliminary Steps for a Constitutional Convention; Organization of the Free State Party; Platform; Very (:onservative; Reasons; Report of Committee on State Organization; On Legislative Matters of the Territory; Provides for Election of Delegate to Congress; Reeder Defended from Charges and Nominated; Judge Smith's Speech; Reeder's Response; Topeka Delegate Convention 19th of September; Its Resolutions......................... 177-189


FaRE STATE MOVEMENTS-Continued-People's Proclamation: Call for an election of Delegates to Constitutional Convention; The Absorbing Topic Discussed; Election of Delegates to Congress; An Amusing Incident; Topeka Constitutional Convention; Character of the Body; Vote on Striking Out "White;" On Approving Squatter Sovereignty: Excluding Free Negroes; The Constitution; Signers, their Occupation, &c. 190-199


VARIOUS EVENES- t ate Emigrati Improvements; Poor Class of New Emigrants nse; Secretary Woodson; Convention at Lexington, Missouri, of Border Chiefs; Secret Organization; Kansas Legion; Pat. Laughlan's Expose; Efforts to Involve Free State Men in Legal Difficulties; Pojicy of Free tate-Men, especially at Lawrence; Another Secret' OtgniTzation; Its Character and Object; Outrage at Atchison on J. W. B. Kelley; Resolutions; Rev. Pardee Butler sent