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afloat on the Missouri River; Collins Killed by Laughland; How Shannon's Appointment was Viewed by the People of'he Border; His Arrival at Kansas City; Commits Himself to Slavery; Pleases Pro-Slavery Men; Address t te " Law-andOrder People;" Call for a Convention; Object of the lmovement; The Convention; Remarks by Shannon, Calhoun, Parrott, Judge Lecompte and Woodson................................... 200-212

CHiAPTERl XX-1855.

BE:GINM-ING OF TIIV WAAKRSAARU WAR-Diisputes About Claims; Hickory Point; Origin of Diffeulties; Coleman kill Dw; Murderer Fiees to VWesttnoret and Sarrlcade"s timseflf to Sheriff Jones; Offense to the D ead; Funeral: C.,iven:ion; Jones-His Char acter and Hlistory; Starta to Lecomptnn With His Prsoner; Obtains a Writ tv Arrest Brannoon; TIte Arrest; The Rescne; Excuse for the Rescue; Lawrence and It Action; Design in Makin- th' Arrest; She, ff Jones Writes to Missu ouri for Help and to the Go-ernor for Three Thonsand Troops; Governor's Letter to Miaqjor General Richardson; Excitement in Missouri -Inflammatory Appeal; Shannon' Proclamation; Woodson's Letter to Atchison.................................................... 23 —-225


WAKARUSA WAR-N-issouri' Respon:.-e; The Force3 in Cap About, Lawrence-Object in Surrounindin th.e Tow; Editors of the Squattep Sov vreigu in the Field; Lawrence Dsmisass the Rescuers and Prepares for Defeiqse; Sends Couriers Throagh the TFrritory and Calls tor Assistance; The Response; Leavenworthi Del, ation; R]p'ortt of t.e Coiomitmitee r Governor's Prociamatiio; Petition to t; President; Colonel Sumner Solicited to Interfere; nemonrial to Congress; Preparations ft Lawrtnci"-It- s Force and Fortifications; Sheriff Jones in Town; Rdlcants fear to attAck; General Eastin's Letter t: Governor Shannon; The Latter Tefgraphs to the President -Writes to Colonel Sumner; Sumner's tAeply; Shannon Acting upon Sumner's Snggestion, writes to Sheriff Jones and Rliichardson;'The Replies of these Two Gentlemen; Shannon again Writes to Sumner; Committee of Safety's Letter to Governor Shannon; The Daoutatlion from Lawrence, and Their Representation to tie Governor; The Interview; The Governor Sees that He haa been Imposed Ukon; Goes to Wakaruse Camp; Labors to uell the Commotion; Again Asks Aid of Colonel Sumner; Rufians Attempt to Intercept His Dispatch; Sumner Refuses to Mlove; Anderson's Letter; T'he Biack Fla " to be Raised; Pomeroy Intercepted; Indian Chiefs Offer Aid to Lawrence; Clark's Pottowatomies............ 226-242


TnH MISUNrDERSTANDING-Thomas Barber; His Wife; Parting Scene; He Go)e to Lawrence; Particulars of His Murder; The Widow's A ony; Effect Upon the Free State Boys; Deputation Sent to Conduct the Governor into Town; The Conference; The Governor is Satisfied of His Mistake; He Returns to the Pro-Slavery Camp; His Orders to General Richardson;