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He Arranges for a Conference; Returns to Lawrence; Signs the Treaty; Dissatisfaction: The Treaty; Conference on the Wakarusa; Attempt to Assassinate Lane and Robinson; Shannon's Orders to the Pro-Slavery Leaders to Disband their Forces; D!aappointment of the Ruffians; He Authorizes Robinson and Lane to Defend the Town; Incidents; The Social; Disbanding the Forces; A Tribute, to the Ladies of Lawrence. 243-255 CHAPTER XXIII-18)5. ROBINSON AND LANE-Life and Character of Governor Robinson; Life and Character of Hon. J. H. Lane; Robinson's Address to the Soldiers on the (tecasion of Their Disbandment; Arrest and Trial of Some of the Rescuers; "Border Rafians;"

Their Character............................................................. 256-265


VARIOUS EVENTS OF THE WINTER —Vote on Topeka Constitntion; Destruction of the Polls at Leavenworth; Mastering Oat of Territorial Militia; Destruction of thr Press of the "Territorial Register;" M. W. Delahay; Convention to Nominate Free State Officers; The Election of State Officers Under Topeka Constitution; Election at Leavenworth; Disturbances at Eastin; Pro.Slavery Man Killed; Free State Men 1Made Prisoners; All Escape except Brown, who is Minldered; Resol!-. tions of the Legislature; Further Troub'es at Eastin; beverity of the W inter.................................................................. 266-273


EXTERMINATION-President's Message; Border Ruffians Determine to Exterminate; Jones' Letter to Robinson and Lane; Their Reply; The Treaty Exploded; Preparatious Along the Border; Dr. Stringfellow's Proposition to Bay Arms " Kickspoo Pioneer" on the War cry; Atchison's Harangue; The Bordier Chiefs send a Messenger to Washington to Preserve the Influence of the Administration; They nucceed; "'he South Comes to the Rescue; Baford's Move; Extract from,the "Eufaulq Spirit of the South;" Action of Alabama; Resolution,; in Mississippi; Southern Emigrants; Border Chiefs Go South to Lecture; Atchison's Letter to the South.......................... 274-282

C!t:APTER XXVI-1856.

FREE STATE PREPARATIONS AND PROCLAMATION OF TIE PRE8IDENTApprehensions of the Free State Men; Alarming Reports from the Border; Dark Prospect of the Free State MIen; LSwrence Prepares for the Worst; Action of the Executive Committe-o; Deputation to the Fre) States; Letters to the President; His Proclamation; Aimed at Free State M1ien; Satisfactory to Border Ruffians, except in One Respect; Governor Authorized to Employ the United States Troops................................... 283-288


STATE LEGISLATURE-Winter passes by without any Invasion; Rumors that the Legislature would be Arrested; Assembling