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of the State Legislature; Its Organization; Governor's Message; Acts of the Legislature; Territorial Executive Committee Makes its Report and Closes its Existence; Its History; Territorial Free State Scrip; Names of Members of the Legislature........................................................................ 289-295


CONGRESS - INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE - Thirty-fourth Congress; Reeder Contests Whitfield's Seat; Appointment of the Investigating Committee; The Resolutions; The Committee; Their Action; Their Report; Its Summary; The Appointment of the Committee the Work of Anti-Slavery Men; Bitterly Opposed by Pro-Slavery Men; Border Chiefs Enraged; Renew Their Threats of Extermination; The Quarantine; Pardee Butler Again Outraged; Whitfield Ousted; (Topeka Constitution in Congress-see Appendix.)...................................... 296-302


THE LEADING FREE STATE MEN ARRESTED OR DRIVEN FROM THE TERRITORY-Interest in Kansas; S. N. Wood; Southein Emigrants; Buford's Regiment; Attempts at Arrests; Sheriff Jones again Enraged; Calls on the Governor for Help: Governor Writes For and Obtains Troops Sumner's Letter to the Mayor of Lawrence; Sheriff Again in Lawrence and Makes Arrests; Is Shot in the Evening; Action of the Citizens; Sam. Salters Continues the Arrests; Hiding of Free State Men; Lawrence Environed; Colonel Sumner; Writes a Letter to Dr. Robinson; The Reply; Attempt to Arrest Reeder; Failure; Writs for Leading Free State Men; Their Conference at Tecumseh: Decide to Call State Legislature and Elude the Arrest until It Meets; Governor Robinson Starts East; Is Intercepted; Mrs. Robinson Goes On; Governor Brought Back; Escape of Reeder; Arrest of G. W. Browi and Gaius Jenkins; Copy of the Indictment for Treason...................... 303-311


THE SIEGE -F LAWRENCE-Lawrence Again Besieged; "Squatter Sovereign; " Proclamation of the Secretary; Letter to Governor Shannon; His Reply; Action in Regard to Secretary's Proclamation; People Without a Leader; Committee of Safety; Its Policy; Resigns; A New Committee; Its Policy and Reasons; Federal Troops; The Embarrassment; Discontent; Many Leave Lawrence; The Invading Forces; Detention of a United States Officer; Arms Seized; Persons Arrested; Cox's Visit to the Pro-Slavery Camp; Letter from Lawrence to Secretary Woodson; His Reply, Efforts to Avert the Calamity; The Special Effort; A Failure; Murder of Jones and Stewart; A Final Peace Effort to Ward Off the Blow.............................................................................. 312-328


THE SACK OF LAWRENCE-The Invading Forces; They Appear Behind Lawrence; Scene in Lawrence; Marshal Enters Town;