Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/28

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xxiv Contents. PAOE Breakdown of "Carpet-bag" governments 642 Silver and specie resumption 643 Governmental demoralisation 644 Hayes elected President 645 Failure of the Democratic reaction 646 New economic conditions ... .... 647 Disappearance of old issues 648 Renewed diplomatic activity . 649 The Civil Service and the Tariff . .650 Political tendencies and methods .... . 651 Party struggles ... 652 Presidential election of 1884 ... ... 653 Review of the period 654 CHAPTER XXI. THE UNITED STATES AS A WORLD-POWER. (18851902.) By JOHN B. MOORE, Professor of International Law in the Columbia University, New York. Accession of Grover Cleveland 655 Nicaraguan Canal. The Tariff . .... 656 The Currency. The Fisheries 657 History of the Fisheries question . .... 658 The Tariff struggle 659 Tariff reform. Sackville incident . ... 660 Harrison elected President 661 Affairs in Samoa 662 Settlement of the Samoan question 663 Protection: the McKinley Tariff 664 Cleveland elected President. The Populists .... 665 Dispute with Chili. The Sealing question 666 The United States and Hawaii .... 667 Hawaii annexed. Currency question ...... 668 New Tariff Bill. Labour disturbances ... . 669 Currency. Civil Service reform. Venezuela .... 670 Venezuelan dispute ......... 671 International arbitration 672 McKinley elected President 673 The Currency. Cuban insurrection 674 Cuban insurrection 675 Sinking of the Maim .... .... 676 Intervention of the United States .... 677 Outbreak of war with Spain 678 Naval war. Dewey captures Manila 679 Invasion of Cuba. Capture of Santiago .... 680 Peace negotiations 681 Peace protocol. Negotiations at Paris Cuba and the Philippines . Philippines demanded by America Question of the cession of the Philippines 685 Treaty of Peace 686