Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/201

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noted where ascertained, but it may be true of one or two of the others as well.

Tujōh kisah.Tujōh kisah[1] (LXXXIII).

These "seven stories” stand more or less on the boundary line which separates this class from the last; in fact the first two comprise the same sort of material as the Hikayat nubuët (N° LXII). The following is a table of their contents:

Kisah 1. On the Nur Mohammad (the Mohammadan "logos").

Kisah 2. The creation of Adam.

Kisah 3. On death.

Kisah 4. The signs of the approach of the resurrection.

Kisah 5. The resurrection.

Kisah 6. Hell.

Kisah 7. Paradise.

Tambihōy insan.Tambihōy insan[2] (LXXXIV).

This "Admonition to man" contains a variegated but ill assorted collection of sacred legends interspersed with religious lessons of various kinds.

The writer first gives a long series of stories from the sacred history, both Mohammadan and pre-Mohammadan. Among them we find Karōn =the Korah of the Bible, Namrōt = Nimrod, Jōmjōmah = the skull raised to life (see LIX), and Ébeunu Adham = Ibrahim b. Adham. The main purpose of these legends is to draw the attention of mankind to the vanity of riches, fame, power and all that is of this world. Certain things are described as the counterpoise of man's apparent greatness, such as Allah's throne (araih), the fish which supports the earth and so on. After mention has been made of sundry events in the life of the Prophet, there follows by way of conclusion, just as in the preceding hikayat, a lengthy description of life in the next world.

Tambih tujōh blaïh.Tambih tujōh blaïh (LXXXV).

We give below a list of the contents of these "seventeen admonitions". No introductory remarks are required.

  1. (Symbol missingArabic characters) Arab. = history, story, but in Ach, also = chapter.
  2. (Symbol missingArabic characters).