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Seattle, Wash.
Comptometer Operator Becomes Bank Official

IN recognition of long and faithful service with the Washington Mutual Savings Bank, trustees of the bank at the annual meeting promoted Miss Alice Backstrom to the position of Assistant Secretary.

"Miss Backstrom had been Chief Clerk of the Washington Mutual Savings Bank. She is the author of a system of machine calculation of interest accounts, whereby the bank recently figured in twelve hours, with the aid of 53 employees, the interest due January 1, on more than 62,000 accounts, on Comptometers."

The foregoing appeared in a recent issue of the Seattle, Wash., "Times."

After graduation Miss Backstrom's first position was with the C. M. & St. P. Freight Office. From there she went to the Frederick Nelson Department Store, where she had charge of the Auditing Department for five and a half years. She started as Comptometer operator at the Washington Mutual Savings Bank on June 26, 1918.

We all extend our congratulations to Miss Backstrom and wish her continued success in the banking business.

Miss Norland, who was for several years with Bon Marche, and three years head operator at Grote Rankin Co., recently embarked on the sea of matrimony. Miss Norland, now Mrs. Finch, is in Honolulu where she will make her home for three years. Miss Kathryn Rutlidge has taken her place.


Miss Clara Bryan of the Pacific S. S. Co.. Seattle, has recently been advanced to assistant auditor. She has charge of a battery of operators. We congratulate her on this promotion.


Miss Hueford of Piggly Wiggly of Puget Sound Co.. has left after being with the above company several years.


Miss Hueford was married August 21st to Capt. Mac Schade. Mrs. Mac Schade advanced in her former position to office manager and cashier.


Miss Ruth Richardson, formerly with the Shell Oil Co., Seattle, recently returned from a three months' vacation in New York. Ruth was glad to return to the land of sunshine and rain. Our rain is sometimes described as "filtered sunshine".


A reward is offered to anyone who can tell us why Madge Whitmore, our Seattle demonstrator, makes such frequent trips to Vancouver.