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Louisville, Ky.

THE French Lick Hotel, French Lick Springs, Ind. (that famous watering place of the elite) just called for a temporary operator to do some work for a convention—all expenses paid, including hotel, horseback riding, golf, dancing, and $10.00 per day salary. The Louisville school was in quite an uproar as to who should go and it was necessary to draw lots. Miss Tessie Shain drew the lucky number. (No, the editor was not injured in the rush for that hotel job—he did not hear of it in time.) *** Yes, girls, it's finally happened! Mr. Earl Tyler, our efficient repairman, was married on October 7th. He was back on the job October 18th. Now don't kid him, girls—he feels bad enough. *** Miss Henrietta Roach, who was a member of the Comptometer operating staff of the Southern Bell Tel. Co. for a number of years, was married September 4th to Mr. "Billy" Hoback. Mr. and Mrs. Hoback will be at home to all of their Comptometer friends after September 15th. *** The Louisville Comptometer office will move into larger quarters November 1st. The new address will be 509 and 510 Republic Bldg. All of the old operators and friends are cordially invited to come up and pay us a visit.—Lina Roach.

Tacoma, Wash.

"Miss Comptometer"
A Magazine Cover Girl

Miss Shirley Stoddard, a member of the Tacoma school, who was "Miss Comptometer" in a recent bathing beauty contest, is gaining national publicity on account of being selected by Howard Chandler Christy as his new model.

MISS Faye Rasmussen, who was one of the winners in the recent Addition contest, has accepted a position with the Standard Oil Company.