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Controlled-Key Notes
Pertinent and Impertinent News Items


Des Moines, Iowa


THE Des Moines school held their second picnic at Union Park on Friday, October 15. A delegation of girls was sent out early in the afternoon to take possession of the log cabin and to have the coffee ready when the rest of the "gang" arrived. Key-lock rules and controlled school dignity were set aside and every one had one grand and glorious time. Plenty of eats and real peppy games were on the program for the evening.


The Comptometer ring that is given as a prize to the girl who can add sixty correct columns from the Standard adding book, on or before her twenty-third day in school has caused some very good competition between the students in our school. The results are that thirteen girls have been presented with these rings since the first of the year. These rings are also taken into consideration by the office managers and we have had the experience of placing our "ring girls" on positions at from five to ten dollars more a month than our other operators.

Miss Rose Stein of our Des Moines school not only won a ring but made a record of eighty-five correct columns from the Standard adding book in an hour on her thirtieth day in school and better yet has been keeping up this record. Miss Stein has a record of 170 correct figures per minute. Her unusual speed is due primarily to her concentration and use of the key-lock.

Philadelphia, Pa.

MISS Mildred Hiller of Chicago, has recently moved to Philadelphia and was placed in a position at David Lupton's Sons Co. through Mr. Davies office.

Mrs. Nora H. Notman of the Washington Comptometer School, is doing temporary work through the Philadelphia School in Philadelphia.

Mrs. Howard Benson, formerly of New York, now making her home in Philadelphia, has been placed, through the local office, at the Potomac Insurance Company.

Miss Margaret Sadler of the Philadelphia School, added 60 columns correctly on her 17th day in school and passed the Comptometer ring test 94% and is very proud of the Comptometer ring she is now wearing.—Caroline White.