Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/326

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  • hese, Rome; Sebastian del Piombo, Dresden

Gallery, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Titian, Madrid Museum; Gaudenzio Ferrari, Canobbio.

CHRIST ON THE CROSS, Léon Bonnat, Palais de Justice, Paris; Canvas. A triumph of naturalistic art. Painted, it is said, from a dead body fastened upon an actual cross in an inner court of the École de médecine. The sufferer, in the midst of the most horrible pain, seems to strain in a last effort; his muscles contract, his veins swell, and the light which brings all into pitiless relief, clearly defines each swollen limb. It is not the Son of God, suffering but resigned; it is a vulgar man, who has lived a common life, and whose body undergoes tortures in which the soul does not share. Salon, 1874.—Claretie (1884), 140.

By Albrecht Dürer, Dresden Museum; wood, H. 8-1/2 × 6-1/2 in.; dated, 1506. Christ, with eyes upraised and mouth open, about to give up the ghost; the crown of thorns is upon his head, and about the loins is a cloth with flowing ends; background, a landscape with a black sky. "Rivals the creations of L. da Vinci." Formerly in Collection of Rudolph II.; bought from Boehm Collection, Vienna, in 1865. Engraved by Theo. Langer (1868).—Gal. Roy. de Dresde, iii. Pl. 47; C. & C., N. Italy, i. 177; Titian, i. 117; Thausing, i. 356.

Anton van Dyck, Antwerp Museum; canvas, H. 9 ft. 10 in. × 7 ft. 8 in. Christ expiring on the cross; on the left St. Dominick, on the right, St. Catherine of Siena; above, two angels, and a third seated at foot of cross. Painted in 1629 and presented by Van Dyck to Ch. of Dominicans, Antwerp, in memory of his father, who died in that city, Dec. 1, 1622; sold on suppression of convents (1785) for 6,000 florins; carried to Paris, and restored in 1815. Engraved by Bolswert.—Head, 17.

By Anton van Dyck, Antwerp Museum; wood, H. 3 ft. 6 in. × 2 ft. The Saviour expiring on the cross; in distance, Jerusalem seen faintly. Engraved by Lourie; Burdet (1864); Vermeiren (1875); E. Corr (1875); E. Pfeiffer; L. Lelli. Copy in S. Jacques, Antwerp.—Smith, iii. 8.

By Anton van Dyck, Munich Gallery; canvas, H. 3 ft. 4 in. × 2 ft. 1 in. The Saviour on the cross, alone; the heavens marked by the effects of a preternatural eclipse.—Smith, iii. 21.

By Anton van Dyck, Vienna Museum; canvas, H. 4 ft. 2 in. × 3 ft. 2 in. The Saviour expiring on the cross. A solemn and impressive work.—Smith, iii. 27.

By Guido Reni, Bologna Gallery; canvas, H. 11 ft. 4 in. × 7 ft. 4 in. Christ expiring on the cross, the foot of which Mary Magdalen, kneeling, embraces; at left, the Virgin in a blue mantle stands looking upward; at right, St. John Evangelist; same position. Painted for the church of the Capuchins, near Bologna. One of Guido's best pictures. Engraved by Giovannini. Pinac. di Bologna, Pl. 60; Ch. Blanc, École bolonaise.—Lavice, 13; Felsina Pittrice, ii. 22.

By Guido Reni, Modena Gallery; Christ on the cross alone, with drapery agitated by the storm, indicated by the dark sky.—Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 580.

By Pietro Perugino, Convent of S. M. Magdalena de' Pazzi, Florence; fresco. Near the cross, the Madonna and the Magdalen; at sides, SS. Bernard, John, and Benedict, under three round arches. One of the master's very finest works and in excellent preservation.—Burckhardt, 570; Rio, ii. 247.

By Rubens, Antwerp Museum; canvas, H. 6 ft. 11 in. × 4 ft. 1 in. Christ just expiring; Jerusalem faintly seen through the gloom. Presented by Cornelius de Winter to Ch. of the Recollects, Antwerp. Several repetitions. Engraved by Snyers; Bolswert.—Similar subject in Munich Gallery; engraved by Bolswert.—Smith, ii. 25, 69.

By Tintoretto, Turin Gallery; canvas, H. 4 ft. × 5 ft. 10 in. Christ, seen to hips, on the cross, with the Dove and the Father above his head, and many angels around. Engraved by Ferreri.—Gall. di Torino, iii. Pl. 117.