Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/327

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By Velasquez, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 8 ft. × 5 ft. 6 in. The Saviour fastened to the cross, his head falling towards his right shoulder, and the hair falling so as to cover half the face; trilingual inscription above; dark background. Painted in 1638 for Convent of S. Placido; came into possession of Countess of Chinchon, who sent it to Paris for sale in 1826; on her death fell to Duke of S. Fernando, who presented it in 1829 to Ferdinand VII. Old copy in Capuchin church, Madrid; modern one by Pairon in École des Beaux Arts, Paris. Engraved by Murgnia; J. A. S. Carmona; J. Ballester; Allegre y Gorriz, and others.—Madrazo, 593; Quilliet; Curtis, 7; Jameson, Hist. Our Lord, ii. 205.

CHRIST, DEAD, Annibale Carracci, Louvre; canvas, H. 8 ft. 10 in. × 5 ft. 11 in. The body of Christ on a winding-sheet, the head on the Virgin's knees; near her is the Magdalen, leaning against sepulchre; at left, St. Francis, kneeling, with hands crossed, looking upon the body, over which two boy angels are weeping. Painted for S. Francesco a Ripa, Rome; one of Annibale's last works. Extremely well composed. Engraved by Godefroi; Aquila.—Villot, Louvre; Musée français, i.; Filhol, iii. Pl. 181; Landon, Musée, xi. Pl. 28.

CHRIST AND DISCIPLES' FEET, Giotto, S. M. dell'Arena, Padua; fresco on wall. Christ, on one knee, with a vase of water before him, is about to lave one of Peter's feet, which he holds in his left hand; behind him, St. John and another disciple, standing, the former carrying a water pitcher; the other disciples sitting, Judas, at left, tying his sandal.—Jameson, Hist. Our Lord, ii. 15.

By Tintoretto, S. Moise, Venice. Christ washing the feet of Peter, at the top of a circle of steps, on which the other apostles kneel. Much faded and injured.—Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 315; Zanotto, 167.

CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Uffizi, Florence. Half-length figures. Engraved by Dennel; T. Verkruys.—Wicar.

By Albrecht Dürer, Palazzo Barberini, Rome; dated 1506. Seven figures, life size, half length. Christ, surrounded by six doctors, engaged in discussion. Especially noticeable for the contrast in the faces and the varied play of the hands, which seem almost to speak. Study for head of Christ in Albertina Collection, Vienna; and for hands in Hausmann Collection, Brunswick. This picture was painted in five days. Thausing, i. 349; Ephrussi, 118.

By Holman Hunt. See Saviour in the Temple.

By Spagnoletto, Vienna Museum; canvas, H. 4 ft. 1 in. × 5 ft. 6 in. Half-length figures. Christ, with left hand on the arm of a seat, from which he has just risen, is raising his right hand as if speaking; the doctors, puzzled at his words, are consulting their books.—Jameson, Hist. Our Lord, i. 279; Rosini, vi. 158.

By Paolo Veronese, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 7 ft. 9 in. × 14 ft. Christ disputing with the doctors in a sumptuous temple of Renaissance architecture; in background, the Virgin and Joseph, with many spectators. Collection of Charles II.—Cat. Museo del Prado.

Christ among the Doctors, School of Leonardo da Vinci, National Gallery, London.

By school of Leonardo da Vinci, National Gallery, London; wood, H. 2 ft. 4 in. × 2 ft. 10 in. Christ surrounded by four doctors, half lengths. From collection of Mr. Holwell Carr; previously in Aldobrandini Gal-