Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/429

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class, 1876. Works: Dante and Virgil (1875), Cambrai Museum; Rebellious Angels (1876), bought by State; Prometheus (1877); Christ in the Tomb (1878); The Little Giggler (1879); The Angelus (1880); Orpheus torn by the Bacchantes (1881); Death of a Hog, Autumn Night (1883); The Laundress (1884).

DELAHAYE, ERNEST JEAN, born in France; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Gérôme. Medals: 3d class, 1882; 2d class, 1884. Works: Lavatory (1881); Shoeing, Farriery (1882); Jewish Easter (1883); Gas-Works at Courcelles (1884); Farriery, Portrait of Henri Maret (1885).

DELANCE, PAUL LOUIS, born in Paris; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Gérôme. Medal, 3d class, 1881. Works: Faith, Hope, and Charity (1878); The three Ages (1879); Louis XVI. and Parmentier (1880); Return of the Flag (1881); Revery (1882); Departure (1883); Upon the Stockade, Portrait (1884); Nurses' Bench at Orphanage of St. Valéry (1885).

DELANOY, HIPPOLYTE PIERRE, born in Glasgow, Scotland, of French parents; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Jobbé-Duval, F. Barrias, Bonnat, and Vollon. Medal, 3d class, 1879. Works: Pride and Impudence, Gilliflowers and Thoughts (1877); Booty, Breakfast on the the Turf (1878); At Don Quixote's, The Koran (1879); Preparation for Breakfast, Peaches and Flowers (1880); Breakfast (1881); A Corner in Willem Kalf's Studio, The Gospel (1882); To the Glory of a General of the Past or the Future, India and the East (1883); Luncheon in the Park, Things of the Past (1884); With Jacques d'Anville, In Time of Chivalry (1885).

DELAROCHE, PAUL (Hippolyte), born in Paris, July 17, 1797, died there, Nov. 4, 1856. History and portrait painter. Began by painting landscapes under Watelet, which he gave up for history after entering the studio of Baron Gros. First attracted attention by his picture of Joash saved from death by Jehosheba (1822). Received the great gold medal in 1824, became Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1828, Officer in 1834, Member of the Institute in 1832, and Professor at the Academy in 1833. In the following year he went to Italy, and on his return showed the idealizing effect upon his style of his study of the old masters in the famous Hemicycle which he painted at the École des Beaux Arts. At the time of his second visit to Italy in 1844 he was made a member of the Academy of St. Luke, as he had previously been of the academies of Amsterdam and St. Petersburg. Works: Naphtali in the Desert (1819); Joash saved from death by Jehosheba (1822), Death of Queen Elizabeth (1827), Children of Edward IV., or Princes in the Tower (1830), Louvre, Paris; Filippo Lippi (1822); St. Vincent de Paul preaching before Louis XIII. (1823); Joan of Arc in Prison, St. Sebastian (1824); Children caught in Storm (1825); Death of Agostino Carracci (1826); Massacre of St. Bartholomew (1826), Königsberg Museum; Flora Macdonald (1826); Death of Duranti (1827), painted for Conseil d'État; Capture of the Trocadero (1827); Richelieu on the Rhône (1829), Death of Mazarin (1830), Sir R. Wallace, London; Cromwell beside Coffin of Charles I. (1831), Nîmes Museum; Execution of Lady Jane Grey (1834), H. W. Eaton, M.P.; Galileo (1834); Assassination of Duc de Guise (1835), Duc d'Aumale, Chantilly; Strafford going to Execution (1835), Duke of Sutherland; Charles I. insulted by Cromwell's Soldiers (1836), Bridgewater Gallery; Napoleon in his Study (1837), Countess of Sandwich; Portrait of Peter the Great (1838); Hemicycle (1838-41), École des