Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/430

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Beaux Arts, Paris; Pico della Mirandola taught by his Mother (1842), Nantes Museum; Pilgrims at Rome (1842); Mother's Joys, Herodias (1843); portrait of Gregory XVI. (1844), Charlemagne crossing the Alps (1847), Versailles Museum; Napoleon at Fontainebleau (1845), Leipsic Museum; The Swing (1845), Nantes Museum; Napoleon crossing the Alps (1848); Marie Antoinette leaving the Tribunal (1851); Napoleon at St. Helena (1852), Queen Victoria; Last Prayer of Children of Edward IV. (1852); Mater Dolorosa (1852), Liége Museum; Moses exposed on Nile, Entombment (1853); Last Communion of Mary Stuart (1854); Beatrice Cenci going to Execution, Christ in the Garden (Norzy sale, 1860, 8,000 fr.), Christian Martyr (1855); Girondists, Return from Golgotha, Virgin in Contemplation, Virgin with Holy Women (1856). Portraits: Napoleon, Duke of Portland's Collection; Duc d'Angoulême; Mlle. Sontag; Duc de Noailles; de Remusat; Prince Adam Czartoryski; de Salvandy; Thiers; Guizot; Changarnier; Count Molé; Pourtalès. Works in United States: Study of Head, T. A. Havemeyer, New York; Christ the Consoler, A. Belmont, New York; Temptation of Christ, T. Corse, New York; Gethsemane, H. V. Newcomb, New York; Nymph of the Fountain, D. O. Mills, New York; The Hemicycle (1853), W. T. Walters, Baltimore.—Goddé, Œuvre de P. D., 86 photos. (Paris, 1868); Hamerton, French Painters; Ch. Blanc, École française; Runtz Rees, P. Delaroche; Larousse, vi. 335; Meyer, Gesch., 475; Perrier, Études, 50; Rossetti, 101; Gaz. des B. Arts (1860), v. 325; vi. 319; (1861), x. 57.

DELAUNAY, JULES ÉLIE, born at Nantes, June 12, 1828. Genre painter; pupil of Hipp. Flandrin, L. Laroutte, and of the École des Beaux Arts, where he won the 2d grand prix in 1835, and the grand prix de Rome in 1856. Has decorated several churches. Medals: 3d class, 1859; 2d class, 1863, 1865, and 1867; L. of Honour, 1867. Works: Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple (1853); Return of Tobias (1856); The Salt-makers of Guérande (1853); The Flute Lesson (1859); Brutus's Oath (Tours Museum); Death of the Nymph Hesperia (1863); Communion of the Apostles (1865), Plague in Rome (1869), Death of Nessus (1870); Diana (1872), Luxembourg. He has painted only portraits since 1872.

DELAVAL, PIERRE LOUIS, born in Paris, April 27, 1790, died in 1870. History painter, pupil of Girodet; and only a barren imitator of his master. Medal: 2d class, 1817. Works: St. Clotilda urging Clovis to embrace Christianity (1817), St. Louis, Versailles; Minerva protecting the Arts (1819), Grand Trianon; Psyche abandoned by Cupid, Grenoble Museum; The Virgin (1827), St. Cecilia, Cathedral of Meaux; St. Louis with the Oriflamme.

DELEN. See Deelen.

DELESTRE, JEAN BAPTISTE, born in Lyons, Jan. 10, 1800, died in Paris in January, 1871. Genre painter, pupil of Gros; was also a writer on art, and excelled rather as a teacher than a painter. He took an active part in the Revolution of 1848. Works: Carmelite; Murder of Clodimir's Children; Jesus and the Heavy-Laden; Peter's Repentance; Justice; Sappho at Leucadia.—Larousse.

DELFT, WILLEM JACOBSZEN, born in 1580 (1592), died in 1638. Dutch school; third son and pupil of Jacob Willemszen, and pupil of Mierevelt, whose daughter he married. He devoted himself later entirely to engraving. There is an excellent female portrait by him (1632) in the Städel Gallery, Frankfort. His son, Jacob Willemszen (1619-1661), was a portrait painter.—Kugler (Crowe), i. 257.

DELFT (Delff), JACOB WILLEMSZEN, died in Delft in 1601. Dutch school; portrait painter; among whose works are A Reconciliation between Esau and Jacob (1584), in the Vienna Museum, an Archer's Repast in the City Hall, Delft (1592), and a