Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/437

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Nicodemus; the Virgin, swooning, is supported by Mary Magdalen, while the two other Marys bend over her; beside them, St. John, standing, with outstretched arms. Painted in fresco in 1541, by order of Princess Elena d'Orsini; transferred to canvas in 1811 by Camuccini; restored by Palmaroli. Engraved by G. B. de Cavalleriis; G. L. Dame; R. van Audenaerde; F. Rastaini; P. Toschi (1837). Poussin declared this the third picture in the world, ranking it next after Raphael's Transfiguration and Domenichino's Communion of St. Jerome.—Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 52; Grimm, Leben Michelangelos, ii. 394; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 309; W. & W., ii. 600; Nagler, xiii. 118; Larousse, vi. 537; Lanzi, Storia pittorica, i. 149.

By Rogier van der Weyden, Escorial, Spain; canvas, H. 6 ft. 6 in. × 8 ft. 7 in. The body of Christ lowered from the cross by Joseph of Arimathæa and Nicodemus; St. John and one of the Marys sustain the swooning Virgin; the other Marys wailing. Painted for Chapel of Our Lady of Victory, St. Peter's Church, Louvain; taken to Spain by Queen Mary of Hungary. Replicas or copies: Madrid Museum (by M. Coxcyen); S. Trinidad, Madrid; Berlin Museum; St. Peter's, Louvain; Liverpool Institute.—Madrazo; Museo Español de Antiguedades; Förster, xi.

Descent from the Cross, Daniele da Volterra, S. Trinità de' Monti, Rome.

Subject treated also by Ludovico Cigoli, Pal. Pitti, Florence; Pietro Perugino, ib.; Correggio, Parma Gallery; Bartolommeo Schidone, ib.; Francesco Francia, ib.; Sodoma, Siena Gallery; Barthel Bruyn, Dresden Gallery; Alessandro Tiarini, Bologna Gallery, Brera, Milan; Rubens, Lille Museum, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Eustache Lesueur, Louvre; Michael Wohlgemuth, Liverpool Gallery; Filippino Lippi, Florence Academy; Cima da Conegliano, Galleria Estense, Modena; Garofalo, Pal. Borghese, Rome, Naples Museum; Luca Giordano, Venice Academy; Anton Van Dyck, Antwerp Museum; Peter Pourbus, Bruges Academy; Hans Memling, Hospital of St.