Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/438

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John, Bruges, Vienna Museum; Michael Wohlgemuth, Munich Gallery; Jean Jouvenet, Louvre; Sebastien Bourdon, ib.; Bernard van Orley, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Sebastian del Piombo, ib.; Adrian van der Werff, ib.; Pedro Campana, Seville Cathedral; Cornelis Cels, Dominican Church, Antwerp; Garofalo, Brera, Milan, Palazzo Borghese, Rome, Naples Museum; Bartolommeo Barducci, Madrid Museum; Vincenzo Campi, Cremorne Cathedral; Cosimo Tura, National Gallery, London; and many others.

DESCHAMPS, LOUIS, born at Montélimar (Dôrme); contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Cabanel. Medal, 1877. Works: Poor Little Girl (1877); Little Winnower defending his Grain (1878); Death of Mireille (1879); Woman Dreaming, Vincent Wounded (1881); Resignation, First Step (1882); Happiest of the Three, Girl Mother (1883); Spring Day, Research for Paternity (1884); The Twins, Alarm (1885).

DESCHWANDEN, PAUL, born at Stanz, Unterwalden, Switzerland, 1811; died 1881. History painter, studied from 1840 in Italy after Raphael, and at once attained success. Works: Infant Christ; Jesus in Agony of Death; Resurrection; Last Judgment; Faith, Love, and Hope; Holy Family; Moses and John.—Kuhn, Paul von D.; Springer, Gesch., 312.

DESCHWANDEN, THEODOR, born at Stanz, Switzerland, Feb. 20, 1826, died there, Dec. 19, 1861. History painter, pupil from 1840 of his cousin, Paul D., and from 1845 at the Munich Academy; then studied in Antwerp and Brussels, and later in Paris after Murillo. In 1858 he visited Upper Italy. Works: Struthan von Winkelried; Arnold von Winkelried taking Farewell of his Family (1860).—Allgem. d. Biogr., v. 70.

DES COUDRES, LUDWIG, born in Cassel in 1820, died in Carlsruhe, Dec. 23, 1878. History and genre painter, pupil of the Munich Academy in 1840, under Schnorr; returned to Cassel, visited Italy in 1844-45, studied then in Düsseldorf under Karl Sohn, and was appointed, in 1854, professor at the art-school in Carlsruhe. Works: Francesca da Rimini (1850); Penitent Magdalen (1852); Entombment (1855), Carlsruhe Gallery; Adoration of Shepherds (1857), Grand Duke of Baden; Repose in Egypt (1858); Holy Women at the Cross (1863), St. Nicholas, Hamburg; Iphigenia (1865), Grand Duke of Baden; Christ Crucified and Magdalen (1869); Christ blessing the Penitent Sinners, Old Man Reading (1870); Domestic Life in 17th Century (1871); Under the Red Cross (1872); Psyche and Pan; Happy Existence.—Brockhaus, v. 80; Kunst-Chronik, xiv. 259.

DESGOFFE, ALEXANDRE, born in Paris, March 2, 1805, died there, July 31, 1882. Landscape painter, pupil of Ingres; has also executed some religious subjects. Decorated for city of Paris the baptismal chapels of S. Nicolas du Chardonnet and of S. Pierre du Gros-Caillou. Medals: 3d class, 1842; 2d class, 1843, 1848; 1st class, 1845, 1857; L. of Honour, 1857. Works: View near Arbonne (1834), Argus guarding Io, Hercules and the Nemean Lion, several views of Naples, Roman Campagna, Valley of the Nymph Egeria (1837-1842, painted in Italy); Lake of Albano, Women Bathing, A Meadow, Meditation, Evening, The Cyclops, Lyons Museum; Narcissus at the Fountain, given to town of Lemur; Madness of Orestes (1857), Luxembourg Museum; Country at Hyères, View of Provins, Resting, Playing Quoits (1849); Martyrdom of St. Maurice, Woods of Fleury, Environs of Naples (1859); Joseph sold by his Brethren, Fauns Dancing, Sources of the Durtin, Road at Montmorency (1861); Resurrection of Christ, Souvenir of Naples, Landscape (1863); Gulf of Naples (1867); View near Antibes (1868); Souvenir of Naples, Heath near Fontainebleau (1883).—Larousse; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 671.

DESGOFFE, BLAISE ALEXANDRE, born in Paris, Jan. 17, 1830. Still-life painter, pupil of Flandrin, nephew of Alexandre D., and a most skilful imitator of near ob-