Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/53

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her hand, standing under the Tree of Life, around which is coiled the serpent with a woman's head. The Eve is one of the first really beautiful nude figures in modern art.—Kugler (Eastlake), i. 222.

Adam and Eve, Filippino Lippi, Carmine, Florence.

By Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome; fresco on ceiling, H. 10 ft. 7 in. × 31 ft. 10 in. In centre, the Tree of Life, coiled around which the serpent, having the body of a woman, is handing the fruit to Eve, who reclines on rocks at left; beside her, Adam, standing, is reaching up for the fruit; at right, Adam and Eve, bound with vine leaves, are fleeing before the Angel, who pursues from above with a drawn sword. Painted in 1512-13.—Pistolesi, viii. Pl. 107; Reveil, xiv. Pl. 497.

Adam and Eve, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel.

By Raphael, Camera della Segnatura, Vatican; fresco, on ceiling. Eve, nude, standing, with one hand on a branch of the tree, around which is twined the serpent with a woman's head, offers the forbidden fruit to Adam, seated under a fig-tree. Painted in 1511; a fine composition, extremely pure in style and feeling. Engraved by V. Solis; Fr. Muller; R. Wibert, and others.—Passavant, i. 117; Müntz, 346; Ch. Blanc, École ombrienne; Gruyer, Fresques, 73; Perkins, Essay, 119.

By Rubens, Hague Museum; wood, H. 2 ft. 6 in. × 3 ft. Figures by Rubens, landscape by Brueghel. Sold in collection of Madam Backer, Leyden, 1766, for 7350 florins.—Smith, ii. 113.

Subject treated also by Lucas Cranach, Uffizi, Florence; Frans Floris, Uffizi, Florence; Domenichino, Rospigliosi Palace, Rome; Francesco Albani, Brussels Museum; Hendrik Goltzius, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Palma Vecchio, Brunswick Gallery; and many others.

See also Eden, Expulsion from, and Raphael's Bible.


ADAMO, MAX, born in Munich in 1837. History and genre painter, pupil of the Munich Academy under Phil. Foltz, and