Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/54

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of Piloty. Works: Alva condemning Peers of the Netherlands (1868); Fall of Robespierre; Last Meeting between Egmont and Orange; Meeting between Charles I. and Cromwell; Adept in Laboratory; Cromwell dissolving Parliament.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., i. 77; Müller.

ADAN, LOUIS ÉMILE, born in Paris, March 26, 1839. Genre painter, pupil of Picot and of Cabanel. Medals: 3d class, 1875; 2d class, 1882. Works: Last Day of Sale (1875); Arrival at Château (1876); St. Martin's Summer; Room at Fontainebleau, H. B. Hurlbut, Cleveland; Marguerite at the Shrine, D. W. Powers, Rochester, N. Y.; Dancing Lesson (1877), O. D. Munn, N. Y.; Little Prodigy, Summer at St. Martin (1879); Gulliver at Brobdignag (1880); Singing Lesson (1881); Autumn Evening (1882); The Ferryman's Daughter (1883); L'abandonnée; Old Château (1884); Anniversary, End of the Journey (1885).

ADEMOLLO, CARLO, born in Florence, Italy, in 1825. Landscape and military genre painter, nephew of Luigi A., pupil of Bezzuoli; became first known through landscapes and animal pieces; painted in 1856, by order of government, the Battle of S. Martino (Gallery of modern paintings, Florence), and since then chiefly military episodes in recent Italian history: Death of Cairoli at Varese; Condemnation of Frate Ugo Bassi; Stanislas Bechi going to Execution (1865).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., i. 84.

ADEMOLLO, LUIGI, born in Milan, Italy, April 30, 1764, died in Florence, Feb. 11, 1849. History painter, pupil of the Florence Academy; studied afterwards in Rome; was much employed in decorating interiors in fresco, especially in Milan, Florence, and Lucca. His works show superficial skill and weak drawing of the nude and of drapery.—Meyer, Künst. Lex., i. 81.

ADLOFF, KARL, born in Düsseldorf in 1819. Landscape and architecture painter; pupil of Düsseldorf Academy in 1833-41. In his earlier time he treated genuine landscape, but later gave the preference to Dutch harbour, shore, canal, and street views. His subjects are well selected, though dry and somewhat feeble in colour. Works: Dutch Canal (1841); Harbour at Amsterdam (1846); Dutch Winter Landscapes; Landing-place at Dordrecht (1851); View of Ehrenbreitstein and Coblentz (1854); Sea Harbour in Sunlight (1857).—Meyer, Künst. Lex., i. 84.

ADOLFI, CIRO, born at Bergamo, Italy, in 1683, died in 1758. History painter, son and pupil of Benedetto Adolfi (1640-1720), a painter of little reputation. Executed frescos in public buildings in Bergamo. Works: Four Evangelists, S. Alessandro della Croce, Bergamo; Deposition from Cross, S. Maria delle Grazie, ib.; Decollation of St. John, Church at Colognola.

ADOLFI, GIACOMO, born at Bergamo in 1682, died in 1741. History painter, son and pupil of Benedetto Adolfi and brother of the preceding. Among his best works are: the Coronation of the Virgin in the church of the Monastero del Paradiso, and the Adoration of the Magi in S. Alessandro della Croce, Bergamo. Other pictures in other churches in Bergamo and elsewhere.

ADONE. See Doni.

ADONIS. See Venus and Adonis.

ADONIS, DEATH OF, Moretto, Uffizi, Florence; canvas, figures life size. Venus, nude, wearing a diadem, is seated in a glade, attended by three nymphs and Pan playing his pipes; beside her a Cupid, pointing to right, where Adonis lies dead, with the boar in background. A capital picture, possibly by Sebastian del Piombo instead of Moretto.—C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 416; Rosini, v. 241; Molini, Galleria di Firenze, i. 145; Lavice, 34; Lasinio, i. Pl. 40.

By Paolo Veronese (?), Bridgewater House, London; canvas, H. 4 ft. 9-1/2 in. x 5 ft. 7 in. Venus bewailing the death of Adonis, whose head is supported by a Cupid; in background, a Cupid and two dogs worry the boar. Perhaps by Carlo Caliari. From collection of Queen Christina of Sweden