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remained the same in the Middle States—or merely spiritual kingdom. With penetrating glance I swept the fields of earth, and the result was a complete conviction that ninety-five one-hundredths of that which goes by love's tender, gentle name, was a compound of three constituents—Parentalism, Amative desire, and the softer element, Friendship. Hence sex, and what comes of it on earth, is at best but the most coarse and external expression of a great soul-law, which can only fully demonstrate itself in those who are in no one respect abnormal or diseased. Sex really means more than people even remotely suspect. In the Soul-world it does not serve the same purposes as on earth. There, sex is of mind—on earth it is of the body mainly. I had supposed it to be a fixed physical principle; and so it is, but it is also something more—for in the higher realms of human being, where everything expresses itself as it really is, and passes at its true value, it is found that many who, as if by accident, had worn the physical characteristics of one, were really, at soul, of the opposite sex. For instance, Male means Energy, Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Creation, Use—Female is the synonym of Music, Beauty, Love, Purity, Harmony, Good. Now let two such meet in the Soul-world, and if they are adapted to each other, their spheres—nay, their very lives—blend together; the result of which is mutual improvement, purification, gratification, enjoyment, and happiness—which state of bliss continues until new unfoldings from within shall unfit them for the further continuance of the union; whereupon there is a mutual

    Soul-region, of which Love is the key; and then the world will see what a vast deal of knowledge exists of which man has never heard. Pub.