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separation—not because they love each other less, but some other one the more; and that other one, be it male or female, is certain to be ready for the reception of the new love. There is no jar, no ill-feeling, no discord about it. Some of these unions may last for what to man may seem to be long ages, but what the final result will be I have not space here to mention.

It often happens that human bodies are so diseased' and by mal-practice so distorted from their true uses, that pure and genuine love cannot express itself—wherefore it soon becomes a sealed mystery, and Passion usurps Love's holy throne. He or she whose nerves have become ruined, either by grief or excess, opium, rum, tobacco, Mesmerism, Oppression, Neglect, and things of that order, can never taste the ineffable joys of love that attend on those who in such regard are healthy.

Love has become either a boyish or girlish sentiment, else a sort of spasmodic fever, which possession speedily and forever chills.

In human society it has become a purchasable commodity. Women sell themselves for gew-gaws—for a home—to escape parental tyranny and unjust espionage. Men buy them, and think they are gaining love—not realizing that joys or pleasures bought at any price are not the realities for which the bargain was made, but only counterfeits, which all too soon demonstrate their own worthlessness. Buy a woman! purchase a man! bargain for love! How much is Sunshine worth a quart? How does Goodness sell by the barrel? It is very easy for either man or woman to buy each other's garments, but the souls beneath them must be won by wooing. Physical possession never yet satisfied a soul,