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body to a great extent, and so modified the cerebral constituents, that the immortal soul therein dwelling for a season, could not thereafter manifest itself as formerly. I now realized that chemistry, in the higher sense, was an efficient force in the human mental, as well as in the material economy—that changes in the physical cells of the brain could be made by intellectual excitations, and that these in a great measure affect the mental and psychical operations, even to the extent of a complete bouleversement. In consequence of the change effected in the individual alluded to, projects of various kinds, previously determined on, had to be given up—for which reason the entire current of a life was turned completely; nor is it for me to say whether greater good or ill will be the ultimate or final result—for the reason that as yet I can neither see the origin nor end. These are only known by the Infinite One above us and beyond. Suffice it, therefore, to observe, that had I known what weight inhered in words, whether lightly, harshly or kindly spoken, especially to the sensitive and susceptible natures of many of earth's pilgrims, never would I have uttered a syllable without well weighing the possible consequences thereof; especially would I have kept back all which bore the slightest resemblance to heat or anger. O, what a wondrous thing is a human soul! Until now it was not clear to me that, by virtue of both a static and dynamic law of the universe, human happiness is derivative, and ever depends upon the amount and kind bestowed upon or imparted to another. The law is dual, that is, it works both ways; for even as a man or woman finds joy in the act of causing or of bringing joy to others, so also