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the misery and woe which A may cause B, C, D and E to feel or undergo, not only reacts, upon A by force and virtue of the great Sympathia, but it is utterly impossible for A to be happy, so long as. the least trace of his or her action mauvaise remains with B, C, D, E, F and G. Nor is this all; for if these last persons act badly toward H, I, J and K, said actions being the legitimate result of A's, originally, upon B, C, D, E, F and G, then A cannot escape the consequences, no matter how distant or in whatever corner of God's universe he may be, or in whatever crevice of the great creation he may seek to hide. A wave or ray of agony from B, C, and the rest of the alphabet, will finally reach him! A lash from the great whip of conscience or remorse will fall on him, when rocks and mountains, though heart-implored, refuse to. Until the law of compensation is satisfied, he shall never fail to hear, peeling into his soul from the lacerated hearts of others, the terrific sentence: 'Thou art the man! thou hast done it! Pay what thou owest!' If the reflections shall prove to have been good instead of evil, then the words which shall be heard will be: 'Even as thou hast done it unto the least of these, my servants, thou hast done it unto me. Well done, thou good and faithful servant! enter thou into the joy of thy Lord! Take up thine abode in the mansions of bliss, prepared from the foundations of the world!' The coin of heaven is ever stamped with the seal of a person's deeds, be they good or evil.

This soul-law is well illustrated by an anecdote which I remember to have heard related prior to my entrance into the wonderful realm, whereof I now found myself