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4 ADMIRALS DEWBY, SAMPSON AND SCHLEY. say the least is without precedent in the world's history, covering an immense territory; and now the King of Spain does not overlord an acre of this vast expanse, but a New Nation only 132 years old not only controls a large part of the Don's "New Spain," Mexico, "Galecia," California, Cibola and Quivira, but had the audacity to undertake in the year of our Lord 1898 to correct her for conduct unbecoming a Christian nation, defeating her armies in Cuba and the Philippines; and to think that a young upstart nation should presume to match her Admirals Dewey, Schley and > Sampson against that nation which produced the most renowned seamen known to history! The battles of Manila Bay and Santiago win go resounding down in history so long as the art of printing prevails, and when the United States of America, like Eome, is only remembered by what is recorded in histories, yet nations unborn wiU read the story of these naval battles with the same interest as the student of history now does the conflict which occurred September 2, 31 B. C, at Actium, wherein Mark Antony and Cleopatra were on the one side and 4he Roman Admiral Agrippa was on the other. But notwithstanding the defeat of the Spanish Armies and navies by the United States in 1898, and although the sovereign of the country which gave birth to Cervantes in 1547 (whose name will forever, be illustrious because of his Don Quixote) has lost Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, yet it must ever be remembered by aU intelligent and fair-minded people that from the discovery of America by Columbus, October 12, 1492, until she lost Venezuela