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"in hoc SIGNO VINCES". $. $. $. ,5 in 1813, Argentine in 1816, Columbia in 1819, and Mexico in 1824, culminating in her final dispossession of her last colonies in 1898 by the United States, a glance at the map of South America -will demonstrate thai about one-half of that immense country was for over 300 years under the dominion of the successors of Ferdinand and Isabella, and that two other nations Cuba and the PhDIippines, were under her con*]*©! for nearly 400 years. Again let it be remerffbe'red by all good Christian people, that the teaching of the lowly Nazarene was by her missionaries taught to these pagans, who were turned from the worship of false gods, to the Cross as the emblem of the Son of God as well as the God of Gods. So we must not de- tract from the merit due the country now confined to its original territory, Spain, for her name must go down in history as having been one of the great nations of the world. "In hoc signo vinces" (by this sign shalt thou conquer) will everlastingly per- petuate her memory, because of the following signs: $d> ^ {]g (]> ijt>

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for is not the "almighty dollar" the God of the Americans? (and all other nations if it comes to that,) and is not the very word a synonym for the astute Yankee ? And from whence came the term, but from the Spanish term dollar; so there is no possibility of forgetting the former greatness of that country which 2,000 years ago was known to the Greeks and Romans as Iberia. There was quite a commotion in the little town of Palos, Spain, on the early morning of August 3, 1492, owing to three vessels being ready to sail with