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He loves the hearts of children
  More than flowery fields of spring:
And when the years of winter
  Gray with Margaret will be,
God will find her love still blossom
  Like a red rose-tree.


(San Francisco, May, 1910)

By Michael Earls, S.J.

Oh, the banks of May are fair,
  Charm of sound and sight,
Breath of heaven fills the air,
  To the world's delight.

Far more wondrous is a bower,
  Fairer than the May,
Love-of-God it wears in flower,
  Blooming night and day.

Love-of-God within the heart
  Multicolored grows,
Now a lily's counterpart,
  Now the blood-red rose.

Come the sun or chilling rain,
  Come the drought or dew,
Crocus health or violet pain,
  Love-of-God is true.