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Hard may be the mountain-side,
  Soft the valley sod,
Yet will fragrance sure abide
  With the Love-of-God.

Where the grace of Heaven leads,
  There it makes a home,
Hills a hundred and the meads
  Will its pathway roam.

Carmel by the western sea
  Holds your blessed bower:
Love-of-God eternally
  Keep your heart a-flower.


By Helen Parry Eden

He who mangold-patch doth hoe,
Sweating beneath a sturdy sun,
Clearing each weed-disguised row
Till day-light and the task be done,

Standeth to view his labour's scene—
Where now, within the hedge-row's girth,
The little plants untrammeled green
Stripes the brown fabric of the earth.

So when the absolution's said
Behind the grille, and I may go,
And all the flowers of sin are dead,
And all the stems of sin laid low,