Page:Edgar Jepson--the four philanthropists.djvu/16

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tiger. We are children of our age, don't you know; and it's the twentieth century."

"Well, you admit that you've a duty to Humanity and you're not discharging it?" said Chelubai cautiously.

"Humanity's a vague bird; but, just to please you, we'll admit that we ought to boost him up into the Empyrean. Eh, Bottiger?"

Bottiger grunted; but whether he was expressing contempt for Humanity or mere indifference to the whole matter, I could not tell.

"Well, I'll give you my idea," said Chelubai. "I've thought it out, and I've come to the conclusion that the whole principle of the anarchist removals is wrong. They are always clearing off figure-heads—kings, queens, presidents and ministers. In some countries that's all very well—in Russia or Germany, for instance. But it's no good in advanced, civilized countries like the States, or England, or France. What's the good of removing a king or a president in such countries? The proper people to remove are the financiers and captains of industry. They're the real criminals, preying upon humanity."

"I see. Instead of removing a king of a country, they should remove a King of Beef, or a King of Pork, or a Grocer Prince," said I.

"Exactly," said Chelubai.

"It is doubtless a very sound principle. But