Page:Edgar Jepson--the four philanthropists.djvu/17

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as a Socialist I abhor violence," I said sternly.

"For goodness' sake, don't go dragging in your beastly Socialism!" cried Bottiger, fuming. "It's enough to have to listen to Chelubai's gassing without that!"

"I trust I shall always introduce my Socialism in season and out of season," I said with firm pride.

"But can't you stick to the matter we're discussing?" said Chelubai somewhat plaintively.

"As a good Socialist, I trust that I cannot. But fire away; develop your idea."

"Well, my point is that it's no good establishing a reign of terror among figure-heads. The thing to do is to establish a reign of terror among the real evil-doers, the people who prey upon Humanity under the shield of the law," said Chelubai

"A very sound idea," I said. "But where do we come in?"

"We remove them," said Chelubai enthusiastically.

"Why, it's murder!" cried Bottiger.

"It's nothing of the kind," protested Chelubai warmly. "It's just the non-survival of the morally unfit."

"It's not for you to kick at murder, Bottiger," I said severely. "In your case it would merely be a natural reversion to type. Those old Bot-