Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/60

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was in the mind of Jethro, and it must be confessed felt little curiosity to know. Understanding the fellow as he did, he could not believe that the “secret” which was bearing so heavily upon him, was of any account.

“I’ll promise not to punish you, no matter what it is.”

“But you doan’ know what it am.”

“Of course; that’s why I’m inviting you to tell me.”

“But when I do tell, den what?”

“Haven’t I promised that no matter what it is, I shan’t punish you, provided you make a clean breast of it.”

“You wouldn’t say dat if you knowed.”

“Have you killed anybody, Jethro?” asked Alden in the most solemn voice he could assume.

“Bress your heart, no! what put dat sarcumflexous idee in your head?”

“Have you been stealing anything?”

“Neber stole even a watermillion in all my life.”

“Because, when you were round, the owners watched their property too closely to give you a chance.”