Page:Edward Ellis--Alden the Pony Express Rider.djvu/61

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Jethro’s eyes seemed to bulge more than ever. He said in a husky undertone:

“Al, it am wuss dan dem two tings togeder.”

“Ah, I know, then, what it is.”


“You have been smoking cigarettes; you look pale round the gills.”

“Pshaw! what’s de matter wid you?” muttered Jethro disgustedly; “you talk as if you didn’t hah no sense.”

“I am trying to suit my words to you. See here, Jeth, I am tired of all this; if you wish to tell me anything, I have assured you there is nothing to fear in the way of consequences from me. If that doesn’t satisfy you, keep the matter to yourself.”

“If dat’s de way you talks. I’ll hab to wait a while; daresn’t unburden my mind now; mebbe I’ll let you know to-night.”

“I don’t care enough to ask it.”

And yet, strange as it may seem, Jethro Mix did carry a secret, which, had he made it known to his friend, would have had a marked effect upon his subsequent life.