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XXX (274) XXX

Part VI. 274 A N A T O M Y. by a narrow oblong orifice or fiflure, which is much lefs The fuperior proftatici are two thin planes, fixed in the than the reft of the cavity. The commiffures of this upper part of the infide of the fmall rami of the offa pufmall fiflure are turned one toward the convex, the o- bis; from whence they are fpread over and inferted in ther toward the flat fide of the glans; and the labia of the proftates. Their infertions in the offa pubis are on the fiflure are its lateral parts • and it feems to be fur- 'one fide of thofe of the obturatores interni. Tounded by fleftiy fibres. The proftatici inferiores are fmall tranfverfe planes, The prseputium is a continuation of the Ikin of the pu- each of which is fixed in the f^mphyfis, between the rabis and fcrotum, and it adheres all the way to the bafis mus of the os pubis and os ifchium, and from thence runs of the glans. The reft of the cutaneous integument co- tranfverfely, till it meets -its fellow from the other fide vers the glans without adhefion, and terminates by an under the proftates, to which they are both ftrongly opening. This portion is named prseputium, and along connefted, and they ferve like a girth to fuftain thefe the whole lower or back fide, both of the whole integu- glands. ment in general, and of the praeputium in particular, there runs a fine future, which is a continuation of the The PARTS of GENERATION in raphe of the perinaeum and fcrotum. FEMALES. The inner furface of the praeputium is lined with a fine membrane from the opening all the way behind the The parts of generation in females are feveral in bafis of the glans ; and the fame membrane is folded humber, fome of them external, and feme internal ; and ■from behind, forward, round the glans, forming the they are all fubordinate to one principal internal part, proper integument thereof, and covering very clofely its called the uterus. ■whole villous furface, as far as the orifice of the urethra, The uterus lies between the bladder and inteftinqm where it joins the membrane, which lines’ the infide of reAum. It is a body inwardly hollow, outwardly of a whitifli colour, of a pretty folid fubftance, and, except that canal. This proper membrane of the glans, and internal in time of pregnancy, of the figure of a flat flaflc, being membrane of the prseputium, form conjointly along the in adults about three fingers breadth in length, one in fiat part of the glans, from its bafis to the orifice of the thicknefs, and two in breadth at one end, and fcarcely 'urethra, a membranous duplicature, which like a feptum one at the other. or mediaftinum divides this part into two lateral portions, The broadeft portion is termed the fundus, and the and limits the motions of the praeputium; for which rea- narroweft the neck. Its fituation is oblique, the fundus being turned backward and upward, and the neck forson it is called franum prteputii. The furface of the internal membrane of the praepu- ward and downward; the broad fides lie next the reAum tium difcharges a fluid which prevents it from adhering and bladder, and the narrow fides are lateral. The cavity of the uterus is flat, and refembles an obto the glans. Several mufcles are inferted in the parts which we long triangle, the fliorteft fide of which anfweis exactly to the fundus, and the two longeft fides lie one on the have defcribed in this paragraph. The fir ft two mufcles are commonly termed ere<ftores, right-hand, the other on the left. or acceleratores urinag. The next two are called acce- Of the three angles of this cavity, the two which the fundus are perforated each by a narleratores. The four fmall mufcles, two of which are terminate row du<ft, which with diificulty admits a hog’s briftle. fuperior, and two inferior, may be called proftatici. The ere<ftores lie along the roots of the corpora ca- The third angle forms a flat dudt wider than the formeV, vernofa ; each of them being fixed by one extremity ve- which perforates the neck of the uterus lengthwife, aqd at the extremity of that neck by a tranfverfe ry obliquely, in the internal labium of the ramus of the terminates os ifehium, from the tuberofity upward. From thence opening. it accompanies the root of the corpus cavernofum, all This opening is termed the internal orifice of the utethe way to the fymphyfis of the offa pubis, and is fixed rus ; and, in the natural ftate, is narrower than the du<ft by its other extremity in the corpora caverndfa, near of the collum uteri, fo that only a fmall ftilet can be sheir union; where the fibres of both bodies meet, and paffed through it. At the edge of this orifice, are feveare reciprocally expanded over both corpora. They lie ral fmall holes, anfwering to the fame number of glandua little lower, and more interiorly, than the roots of thefe lar corpufcles, which difeharge a vifeid lympha. The inner furface of the cavity of the uterus is lined cavernous bodies^ The mufculi tranfverfi, called alfo triangulares, are by a very fine membrane, which at the fundus or broad two long, narrow, flelhy fa/cicufi, inferted each by portion is fmooth and even, but in the narrow portion one extremity in the root or beginning of the ramus of which leads' to the orifice it is wrinkled in a particular the os ifchiura ; from whence they run tranfverfely along manner. the edge of the interoffeous ligament of the offa pubis,, The portion of this-membrane, which covers the hot* as far as the apex of the proftates, where their other ex- tom of the cavity, is- perforated by a great number of' tremities meet, and form commonly a kind of digaftfic confiderable holes, through which fmall drops of blood, Biufcle, tfle middle of which gives infei tion to the muf- may be obferved to pals when the whole uterus is comcles of the urethra, and to the cutaneous fphin&ers. of preffed. the aaus„ la the. narrow part, which anfwers to the collum, each fide