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XXX (275) XXX

275Part VI. A N A T £ M Y. fide is divided into two lateral parts, by a kind of pro- fide of the uterus, between the fundus and the lateral <■ minent longitudinal line, which is larger in the upper or parts of the pelvis, and included in the anterior duplicatures or pinions of the ligamenta lata. anterior fide, than in the lower or polterior. On each fide of thefe two longitudinal lines, there are Each of them is fixed by its narrow extremities in the lines or rugae obliquely tranfverfe, and difpofed like cprner of the fundus uteri, into which it opens, though branches, the longitudinal lines reprefenting trunks. by fo narrow a dudt, as hardly to admit a large briftle. Between and round thefe rugae, there are fmall lacunae, From thence their diameter augments by degrees all the through which a mucilaginous fluid is difcharged that way to the other extremity, where it is about one third part of an inch. The body of the tubae goes in a winding clofes the orifice of the uterus. The fubftance of the body of the uterus is fpungy and courfe, and their large extremity is bent toward the ocompadt, with a copious intertexture of veffels. Its varia. thicknefs. is nearly equal and uniform in the fides and 'Thefe large extremities are irregularly round, and teredges, but the fundus is thicker toward the middle, minate by a narrow orifice, a little plaited, and turned tothan toward the two angles, where the thicknefs de- -ward the ovarium, where it prefently expands irf fonncreafes gradually. The edg'es are likewife much thinner of a membranous fringe, full of plaits and incifures, near thefe angles, than near the extremity of the neck. Thefe fringes are called the broad ends of the Fallopian The uterus is covered by a portion of the peritonaeum, tubes. which ferves it for a coat, and is the continuation of Thefe tubes are compofed of flelhy -fibres, whereof that which covers the bladder and inteftinum redlum, feme are longitudinal, and feme obliquely circular, with running up from the lower and poflerior part of the an intertexture of another very fine fubftance. bladder, over the anterior part of the uterus, and from The anterior pinions of the ligamentum latum fervfi thence over the fundus, and down the backfide, and af- for a common or external coat to both tubae, and alfo to conned them, in the fame manner as the mefentery conterwards going to the redfum. On each lateral part or edge of the uterus, this por- neds the inteftines. From thence the tubae, and efpe-tion of the peritonaeum Jbrms a broad duplicaturC, which daily their fringes, come to be loofe. is extended on each fide, more or lefs diredtly to the The pubes is that broad eminence at the lower part neighbouring lateral parts of the pelvis, forming a kind of the hyppgaftrium^ between the two ingoing, on which of membranous feptum between the anterior and pofte- hairs grow at a certain age. This eminence is Owing to rior halves of the cavity of the pelvis; and it is after- a particular thicknefs of the membrana adipofa which cowards continued in a loofe manner with the peritonaeum, ver the fore-part of the offa pubis, and feme fmall portions of the neighbouring mufcles. on the fides of the pelvis. Thefe two broad duplicatures have the name of liga- The longitudinal cavity which reaches from the middle rnenta lata, and vefpertilionum alne. The upper edge and lower part. of the pubes, within an inch of the anus, of each is partly double or folded, forming two fro all was by the ancients termed finus; and they called the diftindt duplicatures. lateraf parts of that cavity a/a’, which is a more proper The laminae of all thefe duplicatures are connedled by name than that of labia, commonly given to them. The a cellular fubftance, in the fame manner as the other places where the alas are joined above and below are vluplicatures of the peritonaeum ; and they contain the termed commifiures; and may likewife be called the .Fallopian tubes, the ovaria, a part of the fpermatic vef- extremities or angles of the finus. . ftls, and of thofe that go to the body of the uterus, the- The alae are more prominent, and thicker above than > ropes called the round ligaments, the nerves, <bc. below, and lie nearer each other below than above. « The ovaria are two wkitifti, oval, flat,, oblong bodiesj They are chiefly compofed of the fkin, eellular fubftance,. fituated on the fides of the fundus uteri; to which they and fat. The exterior fkin is a continuation of that of are fixed by a kind of fhort round ligament, and inclofed, the pubes, and inguina. It is mere or lefs even, and -together with it, in the dqplicature of the pofterior pi- furnifhed with a great number of glandular corpufcles,. nion of the ligamenta lata. from which a whitifh ceruminous'matter may be expr-eff- They are compofed of a compadt fpungy fubftance, and ed; and after a certain age it is likewife covered: in the : of feveral little balls, or tranfparent veficulse, which are fame manner with the pubes. called cva. The fpungy fubftance furrounds each of thefe The inner fide of the alae is fomething like thte red ydiculse very clofely, and 'feems likewife to furnilh them portion of the lips of the mouth; and it is-diftinguifhed with diftindi fpungy coverings or calfces. every where from the external fide by a kind of line, in The ligaments of the ovaria lie in the edges of the the fame manner as the reel portion of the lips from the pofterior pinions of the ligamenta lata, much in the fame reft of the Ikin; being likewife thinner and fmoother' manner as the umbilical vein in the anterior or umbi- than the outward /kin. A great number of pores are oblical ligament of the liverv They are round ropes of a- fervable in it, and alfo numerous glandular corpufcles . filamentary texture, fixed by one- extremity to the cor- which furnifh a liquor more'or lefs febaceous. ner of the fundus uteri, a little above and behind the le- Near the innenedge of the inner ferfaces of the ahe, vel of that fundus. They were formerly believed to be on each fide of the orifice of the canal of the uterus, we hollow, and looked upon as vafa deferentia/ find a fmall hole more vifible than the reft. Thefe turn The Fallopian tubes are two. flaccid, conical and ver- holes are termed lacunas; and they communicate by two miferm canals, fixated more or lefs tranfverfely on.each fmall duds with the fame number of follicular bodies lyfego