Page:Engines and men- the history of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. A survey of organisation of railways and railway locomotive men (IA enginesmenhistor00rayniala).pdf/162

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Engines and Men

Clause A.

Any movement affecting all grades or locomotive men only must receive the sanction of the Executive Committees of both Societies, and be conducted under the joint control of the two General Secretaries, each Society bearing the personal expenses of its own delegates, but all other expenses to be borne proportionately."

Clause B.

All programmes for improved conditions for locomotivemen shall be drawn up at joint meetings of that grade, and submitted for the approval of the Executive Committee of each Society. If approved, the movement shall have the full support of each Society, as laid down in Clause A.

Clause C.

Programmes for improved conditions for grades other than locomotivemen shall be subject to the approval of the Executive of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants only, but copies shall afterwards be forwarded to the Executive of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, and that Society shall be informed of the progress made before its support shall be solicited.

Clause D.

For the purpose of giving effect to Clause E, a Joint Committee shall be formed consisting of five members of the A.S.R.S. and five members of the A.S.L.E. & F., who shall be elected by the respective bodies each year, and the General Secretaries of the two Societies. The Joint Committee shall elect a Chairman at the first meeting, the Chairman to be allowed to vote as an ordinary member of the Committee. The two General Secretaries shall act as Joint Secretaries, and shall not be allowed to vote.

Clause E.

Should a movement which has been sanctioned in accordance with Clauses A, B and C be unsuccessful in obtaining the