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The Federation Clauses-1903

conditions asked for, and if it is found necessary to further press the demands by a withdrawal of labour, then the Joint Committee shall be summoned together, and the whole of the facts and circumstances placed before them; and if 75 per cent, of the Joint Committee, by their votes, recommend the withdrawal of labour, the two Executive Committees must meet jointly to finally decide, and if a strike is resolved upon, it shall then be the paramount duty of each Society to do all in its power to bring the dispute to a successful issue.

Clause F.

In the event of a strike sanctioned in accordance with Clause E. affecting locomotivemen only, each Society shall pay strike allowance to its own members; all other expenses to be borne jointly. A strike in support of one or all grades other than locomotivemen will mean that each Society shall pay strike allowance to its own members, but all other expenses shall be borne by the A.S.R.S.

Clause G.

All demands and programmes submitted to the companies affecting locomotivemen only, or in cases where locomotivemen are concerned in a movement with other grades, shall be signed by the General Secretaries of the two Societies. Demands or programmes in which locomotivemen are not included, shall be signed by the General Secretary of the A.S.R.S. only. In all cases where an offer of arbitration is being made, or notices of a strike given to a company or companies, such documents shall be signed by both General Secretaries, whether locomotivemen are concerned or not. In all local grievances the members of both Societies should act together, and in appointing deputations, committees, etc., to wait upon superintendents or directors to watch over the interests of locomotivemen generally, such committees shall, as far as possible, consist of an equal number of men who are members of their respective Societies.